Feeling down

I had to wait 32 runs to have both glaives, i understand your frustration !

All i can say is, never give up, keep farming, it will drop some day !
Well actually , he could be the most unlucky guy in wow. Which makes it possible that he'll never get it.

Just sayin..
I feel your pain.. sort of. 31 ragnaros kills on my druid, 3 sets of bindings, and no eye of sulfuras yet. Got it the first run on my lock though..
22 Kil'jaeden kills, Two bows, Second bow was on reserve and the raidleader took it, yeah, fine. First bow dropped, raidleader (Shaman) Took it, was furious he didn't get feat, then vendored/destroyed. Gms couldnt/wouldnt help.

Forever the user of the GBQT.
18 runs of killing Felmyst now, still the leather legs haven't dropped. Ah well, shit happens and stuff do drop eventually.
That is just impossible, screanshot statistics please and post it here.

wouldnt surprise me, every time i run it on my shammy the wand of the demonsoul drops and everytime im on my mage the off hand fist drops, well not every but enough to make me want to hate sunwell trash drops
well in 12 runs on my dk ive seen bow drop 3 times, and yet ive only ever seen on Apo drop, luckily i won the roll <3

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