70 balance druid?


I have a level 53 druid so I figured bringing him to 70 would be easy, are balance druids any good? I know I just dont want to play a feral druid.
Never played one but the damage they output is very nice and they have some strong heals, you might want to ask Tereca from RNG Gaming as he is one of the best balance druid's i have fighted against.
I'm not the best, but if you have any question i will gladly answer them as best i can!

Are there any viable balance druid arena teams? And what kind of burst should i expect playing a boomkin?
Are there any viable balance druid arena teams? And what kind of burst should i expect playing a boomkin?

Yeah, dot heavy cleaves for 3v3 are good, in 2v2 i played with a Fmage going 22-1.

Boomkin damage can be quite devasating if allowed to freecast, wrath critting 4k with ~ 1.5 casting time with Natures grace up and in Solar eclipse.

Starfire critting up to 8k and then there is the instant Starsurge that crits 6k+. So landing a insant starsurge after casting a full starfire can hurt quite abit =)

I wish druids had a shorter CD for silance. But rooting somone then casting solar beam is very good, forces trinket / defensive cooldowns!
Yeah, dot heavy cleaves for 3v3 are good, in 2v2 i played with a Fmage going 22-1.

Boomkin damage can be quite devasating if allowed to freecast, wrath critting 4k with ~ 1.5 casting time with Natures grace up and in Solar eclipse.

Starfire critting up to 8k and then there is the instant Starsurge that crits 6k+. So landing a insant starsurge after casting a full starfire can hurt quite abit =)

I wish druids had a shorter CD for silance. But rooting somone then casting solar beam is very good, forces trinket / defensive cooldowns!

Damn, i was told before they werent too good but this changes my mind completely
I think i wanna roll one now
Thanks alot guys
Yeah, dot heavy cleaves for 3v3 are good, in 2v2 i played with a Fmage going 22-1.

Boomkin damage can be quite devasating if allowed to freecast, wrath critting 4k with ~ 1.5 casting time with Natures grace up and in Solar eclipse.

Starfire critting up to 8k and then there is the instant Starsurge that crits 6k+. So landing a insant starsurge after casting a full starfire can hurt quite abit =)

4k wraths, 8k starfire, 1.5 sec casting time on wrath (got 1.62 in full pve gear) in arena? don't see that happening.

Boomkins are viable in 2's cause of the amazing healing (hots are smexy) As for bursting, starfall breaks CC so thats barely possible unless going for the healer. I'd gief boomkins a 8/10 in BG's and 6/10 in arena. Personally I like playing with a rogue as boomkin
Shadowdance + Solar Beam is insane on healers
its ok.... not a burst class at 70 tho more constant dmg
Trust me theyre not that good, u have to heal wayyy too much if a dps places like 1 or 2 hits. Cause u lack cc, u will be healing and runnimg rather than doing srs damage in arena. Fun and good to bg tho, got 70-0 or something in av with only a lock to assist. Also rlllllly op at 77-79
I'd love to see a video of that , since i've been playing feral since the beginning of TBC , and really cba to make a full balance set and find out that it's not what i expected , tho i do think that balance is not really the playstyle i enjoy.

But if you have a video of it , i'd be glad to see it , since i've got synapse on this druid aswell and it's pretty awesome as feral so might be as balance aswell
ill work on it, nothing special just a few clips, cant promise anythingstraight away cos ive got work to do :)

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