Unholy DK?


Hey all, Fritto here, long time twink..first time (in a LONG while) poster.

I am making a new 70 DK twink and am starting to think about Unholy possibly being viable.

My reasons for this is the current uprising of frost resist enchants (originally intended to counter frost mages I'm guessing). I guess my over all reason for this post is just to see what everyone thinks about the idea of Unholy with this new frost resist stuff coming more popular. My main questions/reason for doubt is if ENOUGH people will or do gear this way (since i know the 70 resist to bracers require LW).

So opinions/thoughts/insights?

Unholy was viable before this frost resist thing but it wont affect frost dks that much considering oblit in physical, ive seen 2.2 unholy dks who seem to get around the lack of lichbourne by just not taking damage with the "passive" snare and tools like improved AMS and AMZ, only problems is pets getting rooted all the fucking time as well as th pet interupt being bugged if its rooted, it goes on cd but doesnt get used, but if used propperly will save you in deeps
i dont play unholy dk Live or 70, it doesnt seem viable, i mean will it really put out that much damage, im not sure how the stuns/pet stuns work but i really see the only thing about it being AMZ, the main spec 70 dks play is frost due to its Viable burst and can keep alot of pressure out, has HC and strangulate so its cc is limited but gets by. Blood is what i play at 70, Massive burst with synapse, partners pref have tazik for 75% of the time one shot, and if it doesnt one shot you can always just get another DS off, it has dancing rune wepon for the chance of a double strangulate of different targets, very good self heals and cd on strangulate is only 60 seconds, so way up the options, id say 2's is best if you go frost even though you get globaled if your priest is in a fear i feel its stronger due to the amount of pressure that can be put out and 3's is best for blood, 2 people sitting on my 500 resi 17k life gear stacks me alot of ap from vengance with synapse you spam out on hits constantly.

But if you choose to go unholy let me know how it rolls.
I have lvl 70 DK. Word 'terrible' descripes unholy quite well. I have near BiS slot gear with 10str&res sockets and it feels that UH damage is still really, really bad. Especially when compared to frost. Also the lack of the Lichborne is quite big deal, DKs already have poor survivability against melee and without LB we're pretty much a free kill for any melee. I've tried few arenas as UH also, but as I said I couldn't really bring enough damage to kill anyone with brains, Necrotic strike is a must have ability.
Yeah, right now I roll as frost, and blood off spec..but I pretty much just got back into 70 twinks, and am still gearing my DK (have probs 2 BiS slots filled), so I am still FAR away from trying stuff out.

I do like frost a lot, once I play around with macros and keybinds I'm sure it will just be that much better. But i always have been the type to try out seemingly "unconventional" things when it comes to my twinks, so I will for sure try it out once my gear is better. My philosophy on WoW is that Anything can be viable, just some things are more viable. Anyone can roll a mage and faceroll, but I personally would rather take something seen as not faceroll, like a UH DK, and just get good at it, more rewarding in my mind. I'm sure it has potential to be good, if played correctly, and played with good partners to make up for weakness (and that is not trying to call anyone out saying you just suck at UH DK, just my personal philosophy).

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