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  1. Farming Graveyard

    Indeed. GY pretty much can only be farmed if the other team is BY FAR outtwinked. I personally am not even bothered by it. If I spawn in the right spot and keep moving since the spawn moment, I can never be killed.
  2. Ordo Disilluminati explores yet another Battlesystem

    Well, I also managed to transfer myself. And to bump this post - we could use some extra decent activity!
  3. Planning your twink (for noobs)

    Alright, I haven't read through all of these posts, but every time I see the word "hunter" I attempt to say something. There's a famous famous quote on the Internet which goes as following "Arguing on the Internet is like running the the special olympics. Even if you win, you're still retarded"...
  4. Quitting the 19 scene.

    Noo, why, men?
  5. Ordo Disilluminati explores yet another Battlesystem

    Why hasn't this been brought to my attention until now!?
  6. Looks like there starting a big petition on the wow forums.

    Think of it like politics. It's a dirty game.
  7. Time to delete warrior! :(

    So pretty much you're speaking of all of the non-hunter population. Everybody has a hard time killing, everybody needs healers - that's the fkn point that you wouldn't one-hit other twinks. I think you need to roll hunter. Personally I see warrior as a more challenging class. I've met more...
  8. New Gy too close to arena?

    ... And now in English, please
  9. @ Drayner and Petition

    Petitions, petitions. To my knowledge, Blizzard has never cared for twinks, never will. A petition against grandfathering of the professions would also be against those players who had the ability and enthusiasm to get their professions to 450 (no, I myself did not. I do think it is a bit...
  10. Who has 450 gathering professions?

    I got my mining to 342 last night when the maintenance kicked in, duh. What kept me from breaking something was the fact that that I realised that I probably don't have enough exp left to make it to 450 anyway.
  11. Hunter...more health or more mana?

    As a mage I would like to say that whatever kind of hunter is a scary one. Each equipment(also specc??) has its positive and negative parts. But generally - I have one piece of advice for you - When I see a hunter low on mana, I know I stand a chance!
  12. Time to delete warrior! :(

    I think you should leave these forums forever.
  13. Little gear question

    Not a good move. Even when I see a decent twink who's just not delivering the flag, that player loses a great deal of respect from me. And also, to double the previous poster's opinion, a rogue is not a flag carrier.
  14. Mining in Blackrock Depths

    Doh. I didn't even know that. I've never really gone into the "depths" of going into instances at certain levels. Well, sucks to be me in that case. I guess I'll bugger off now, Edit: I also now finally remembered that it can also be smelted only in Blackrock Depths - oh, stupid me.
  15. Mining in Blackrock Depths

    Hello, It's been a while since I had a main and actually did some time in those depths and saw the veins, well now my twink has finally reached a high enough level to mine dark iron and I figured an instance would be the best place since experience gain is the one thing I am afraid of...
  16. Introduction

    Hi guys I'm Meshell, formerly known as Fudgemaster. (both mages, true story) I've played Wow since the start of it all. Back in the day, before The Burning Crusade, I was a hardcore regen-based healing priest for a very decent raiding guild, had no chance for pvp what-so-ever. Got the...