I am aware of one twink that I play with that did skinning to 450, a hunter. I know no one that did the herbalism buff or took the mining buff past 300.
The amount of twinks that have one or both professions gathering maxed on my battlegroup in 19, 29, 39, 49 can be counted on one hand.
I think this community is making a mountain out of a mole hill. Even as hardcore as I am with 3 49's and 2 39's I only have mining 300/skinning 375 as my highest profession cap on one of them.
You're picking the wrong fight with them on this issue. Save the righteous anger for when they want to level/XP in BG's. We'll have much more reason to cry then. As such I know that I can still beat a 450 skinning hunter 39 vs. 39 so its not a big deal.
Please, there are going to be much bigger issues facing our choice of how we play WoW than this in the coming year.