Time to delete warrior! :(

I understand enties going away, and also mining bug but why my shadow meld to get out of combat gone it was awesome. Now I get kited and rocked.
All these nerfs and grandfathering has made things very scary in the twink world.

its going to be impossible for any new twink to compete!
he's saying new twinks won't be able to compete due to the lack of 450 professions.

i think new twinks will be able to compete though, i'd say about 75% of the 19 population didn't get 450 professions due to laziness/exp issues. there really won't be too many with the buffs and even against someone with them it's not impossible to compete.

by the way, before enti's warriors always got kited and rocked :(

it's just a challenging class to play.
Sneakthepeak said:
Well before the patch we could use shadow meld to pop out of combat and charge. I was never kited now thats all gone

it was kinda OP compared to other racials, though. if you played a NE before you'd know that it was the way it is now a few months ago.
I spend 150g for the enti whitch i only had 157g to start and it gets nerf'd 2 days later...MOTHER F*****S!!!!! Ya what ever i was useing on my main(24 warrior =( i know) to level then once i was done i was goine to make a level 1 twink and use it on that!...but what ever i dont really just suchs no be out all my cash!!!!! cuz i spend 7 on 20 haste then got 5 weapon damage for free( i know(WT*)
Jetstrong said:
I spend 150g for the enti whitch i only had 157g to start and it gets nerf'd 2 days later...MOTHER F*****S!!!!! Ya what ever i was useing on my main(24 warrior =( i know) to level then once i was done i was goine to make a level 1 twink and use it on that!...but what ever i dont really just suchs no be out all my cash!!!!! cuz i spend 7 on 20 haste then got 5 weapon damage for free( i know(WT*)

So? It was a bug and you knew it. It actually was a nasty bug as well, making warriors waaaaaay to much overpowered.

Your fault for being not smart furtherly, especially since it was pretty clear patch wóuld come this week.

And for those who give up that soon: you're lowzy pussies.
Jetstrong said:
I spend 150g for the enti whitch i only had 157g to start and it gets nerf'd 2 days later...MOTHER F*****S!!!!! Ya what ever i was useing on my main(24 warrior =( i know) to level then once i was done i was goine to make a level 1 twink and use it on that!...but what ever i dont really just suchs no be out all my cash!!!!! cuz i spend 7 on 20 haste then got 5 weapon damage for free( i know(WT*)

I think you should leave these forums forever.
lol 150 g for that thing? i killed the guy twice and it dropped, i just made a lvl 1 twink to test it out! i wouldn't dream of buying it!
some of you need to realize that 19 warriors are perhaps the most gimped class at 19. enti's honestly balanced 19 more than anything, although it did make the farmers overpowered, the smart non-warrior players used CC and avoided warriors easily.

i'm not saying enti's should not have been fixed, just noting that warriors are now the most challenging class to play at 19 (again).
who cares...its the class balance we have

u cant even argue that 200 rend ticks were fair...and the guy who made this post is an idiot...deleting his twink because he lost his free 700 hp GLITCH...his uber enti's GLITCH and his ability to vanish on a warrior

instead of qqing maybe u should learn some skills so u dont have to use obvious glitches to win...maybe u will get kited by hunters, but u should be fine with everything else if ur not a scrub...i mean how will i kite u on my priest if i have no slows...(note, before u call me a noob for being "unable" to kite, im making a point, i do kite ppl, im not bad....im just saying if he charges me and knows how to hit hammy, then im not gona be kiting him any time soon)
enti's honestly balanced 19 more than anything

So true. In the 19 bracket poor warriors still had a hard time killing anything without a dedicated healer or two because ranged would gun for them first thing.
gibbet said:
So true. In the 19 bracket poor warriors still had a hard time killing anything without a dedicated healer or two because ranged would gun for them first thing.

So pretty much you're speaking of all of the non-hunter population. Everybody has a hard time killing, everybody needs healers - that's the fkn point that you wouldn't one-hit other twinks. I think you need to roll hunter.

Personally I see warrior as a more challenging class. I've met more than enough warriors who can play their class and they are very powerful indeed.
Meshell said:
So pretty much you're speaking of all of the non-hunter population. Everybody has a hard time killing, everybody needs healers - that's the fkn point that you wouldn't one-hit other twinks. I think you need to roll hunter.

Personally I see warrior as a more challenging class. I've met more than enough warriors who can play their class and they are very powerful indeed.

If you are not happy with the bracket you can always step up to the next one. Warriors are a dominating force in 49s and can do alot of dps in 39s. Do not rule out a stance dance spec or protection. I do not know much that can kill a dps geared protection spec warrior in 49s.
Meshell said:
So pretty much you're speaking of all of the non-hunter population. Everybody has a hard time killing, everybody needs healers - that's the fkn point that you wouldn't one-hit other twinks. I think you need to roll hunter.

Personally I see warrior as a more challenging class. I've met more than enough warriors who can play their class and they are very powerful indeed.

true, but most warriors are bad so technically it did balance the bracket out a bit.

i will agree, when played to their potential, warriors are pretty good. but then again so is any other class.
From a healers point of view, Enti's was kind of fun, It made healing a challenge again and added the extra layer of "get the F*CK away from that warrior he has the sword". I don't think it's a bad thing it was removed, but I'm glad it happened, I think it was fun while it lasted.

(I think the majority who used enti were just scrubs who decided to roll up a new warrior with some crappy gear and an enti. The only time it was really OP was when a good warrior actually used one.)
i do agree, i understand the entis sword rend who was just fucking blatant...

but then again have you considered the fact that what made the sword so much unblaanced was the whole enchantment going on ?

with enti speed... i know its not really 0.8 ok i'm not dumb !

but with that, +10 haste on gloves, +10 haste on hat + 20 haste on weapon.

that's 40 haste rating at 19, thatM's about 50% more speed ! the damn weapon was hittign at 1.8 speed !

now that is awesome, balances thing out, but that + rend bug = straight out unfair !

but i do agree, before that, warriors had no chances at all in the 19 brackets. the only warriors who's ever defeated me, did because they had a healer fully twinked by their side and were themselves twinked to hell.

but now melee class against hunters is just impossible to win at 19 !

i am always on aspect of the monkey and have the glyph of the monkey making me dodge about 35% of your attacks. that's 1 out of three. which gives me monkey speed which boostes me by too much for you to follow, then i conc shot and have like about 6 whole seconds to dps you without you having anything to do to me.

how you gonna handle that ?

even rogues have problem against me now. and if i go BM instead of marks like i am now, i can get damn near 50% dodge rating. hell this is making hunters way too abusive against melee classes. and since we can also dodge spells... can't imagine a mage trying his luck doing any better !


i do agree ont hat, my first twink was a warrior, forget the 19/29 brackets on warriors, they have no chances even if well played. they do hit hard at 29 with overpower and the gnomeregan guy left arms. but still missing some oomph ! if you want a warrior, go 39/49 that'S the best spot for em !

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