Farming Graveyard

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Because being a grammar Nazi to a guy on an iPod touch shows your intelligence far surpasses mine.
Luka said:
Because being a grammar Nazi to a guy on an iPod touch shows your intelligence far surpasses mine.

actually your first line was the one that proved you were an idiot to me :D
i just jumped into the thread and didnt take time to readp ast pg 1...but IMO if u clear out mid and stand below GY killing while ur fc and a healer run back and forth capping, ur not doing anything wrong....on the other hand, if u purposely DONT cap just to stroke ur epeen and farm honor, ur being a noob and u fail
Posting in an epic thread :)

Started an epic thread :)

@ ontopic: got zerged at gy yesterday, i just got pissed off and alt+f4ed lol
No we cap, we have 4 defending, 4 attacking and us 2 at bottom of gy/in gy

We always get zerged by like 7 dwarf hunters though

And yes, I know what zerged means
We judge on what we come up against, if its like 5+ vs 5+ twinks on each side, we see it as a challenge to camp them, IF they have close to same set up as us (heals/dps/etc)

But if its 2 shamans a rogue a hunter and a priest/mage for us, against 5 hunters or 5 rogues, we wont camp, but rather win, and go against something better, in a different WSG.

If we come against newbies, just win and find a better WSG opposing team.

Some people are just mean and camp lowbies for honor/hk's, but why would you need it once you get all your gear and stuff?

71k HK's for me is quite enough, i think i'll play for fun, thanks.
while it is a challenge to camp is also a challenge to beat an even number of equally geared, equally class matched twinks in straight up WSG...if ur able to camp them, they are bad, so just win

the only time id ever say its ok to stand in front of the GY is if ur going for a speed guild attempted the 7 minute win and our strategy was to camp the gy (to stop nubs from picking up the flag and wasting valuable time) and to have a couple rogues and ppl with swift pots run the flags

camping gy is ok as a strategy, because ur not wasting the other teams time...if u ever delay capping a flag to gy camp then u suck
depends what type of gy camping

i despise it when someone asks you to not cap it so they can make level 12s eat skeletal club for a few honor points when they will probably never get close too a battle standard

Gotta have some respect for your opponent, stuff like that just gives twinks a bad name, its like people see the opposite team as mobs rather than other players

However, in a premade, holding off the other team while you cap is strategic and fair
GY farming is boring and useless.

Plus i hate when i run the flag and instead of helping people GY farm, or when the opposite team got our flag instead of charging them people just GY farm.
yeah it's kind of bad ettiquette, it's a pain to be farmed when i'm pugging, but i gotta admit i farm GY sometimes too. its mostly the other team's fault for letting themselves be farmed.
Ramune said:
yeah it's kind of bad ettiquette, it's a pain to be farmed when i'm pugging, but i gotta admit i farm GY sometimes too. its mostly the other team's fault for letting themselves be farmed.

Indeed. GY pretty much can only be farmed if the other team is BY FAR outtwinked. I personally am not even bothered by it. If I spawn in the right spot and keep moving since the spawn moment, I can never be killed.
i love gy farming, only reason why i play twink <3
Naturaltalnt said:
I do so hope your joking Dude.

i am, but i really think its fun, to kill the Elf's every single time they re-spawn, tbh. The most fun thing in Wsg after u done it 1000 times, it just to simply kill ally, best place gy!
Ye but thats the problem, on Blackout no allys are good enough to stop u :)
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