Search results

  1. <Listax>TBC Raiding guild on The Sha'tar-EU recruiting

    Bumping the thread, this is a good guild =))
  2. BIS 70 holy pally

    Tbh, go SWP a few times, and you'll get Bis
  3. \\Zendelin// Searching core members to fill our ranks for 25 man raiding.

    Buump!! The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 10 characters.
  4. \\Zendelin// Searching core members to fill our ranks for 25 man raiding.

    Woow, that's alot of posts! Which I haven't seen. I only see 16 posts at him, and only 3 of them is recruits... It's a good guild yes, just need a few more members... Banning him for what? Dumbass newbie
  5. <Not a Twink Guild> Deathwing EU

    Bumping agian! ^^
  6. <Not a Twink Guild> Deathwing EU

    Bump! ^_^:D
  7. <Not a Twink Guild> Deathwing EU

    Buuuump :)
  8. <Not a Twink Guild> Deathwing EU

    about 85 members atm, but to many focusing on their mains! need more ppl!
  9. <Not a Twink Guild> Deathwing EU

    apply on our site :) we need 1 more active rogue
  10. <Not a Twink Guild> Deathwing EU

    Cleared everything up to mother in bt tonight, no wipes
  11. <Not a Twink Guild> Deathwing EU

    Bumparoooooooooooooo :) still growing strong! need casters!
  12. <Not a Twink Guild> Deathwing EU

  13. <Not a Twink Guild> Deathwing EU

    Post updated! we're growing fast! need more casters mainly, but all classes are welcome to apply!
  14. <Not a Twink Guild> Deathwing EU

    yes, still recruting, and we're on Deathwing now..
  15. <Not a Twink Guild> Deathwing EU

    Well, our guild officer's and me are not ¨corrupted¨. We allready had a guild called Cupcake Crusader where we also used loot council for a half year and it worked out really good, so we're going to stick with that. It is really good and ofc we dont ninja any stuff there is. Everything is...
  16. <Not a Twink Guild> Deathwing EU

    Bump, growing and growing! gogo server change ! :P
  17. <Not a Twink Guild> Deathwing EU

    Yes ofc we do, atm we kind of need everything we can get.
  18. <Not a Twink Guild> Deathwing EU

    <Not a Twink Guild> Horde - Deathwing - EU Guild info We started the guild 2010-11-29 and in this writing moment we have 65 different accounts in the guild now. About 60 level 70s The officers in the guild is experienced with the burning crusade content and with leading...
  19. <Cupcake Crusaders> ravenholdt - EU

    updated progress in post and raid days