<Listax>TBC Raiding guild on The Sha'tar-EU recruiting

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New Listax video has been made. Magtheridon's Lair were downed 20.08.2011. uploaded by our great mage Norhmadar.

///Please comment and subscribe ~ Norhmadar///


Yes we raid 4 times a week, we raid karazhan full time every thursday, atm we have Gruul/Maggy/TK on farm and soon moving into BT/SWP Progress.
Good luck guys, will be fun having some fresh blood to smash up in bg's - rbg's.
<Listax> RBG Post soon up and running. Scheduled time : 20:00 every Sunday.

Will keep you updated *** Víkina
We are currently looking to expand our raid potential, for which we need a few more active members. As it is now, we farm every raid from Karazhan to Gruul on weekly basis, with a few downings in TK as well. Going to attempt Hyjal on Saturday, will you join us? Every class is welcome, god knows we have all roles, just that our tanks might want to play their alts, too ;)

Listax - EU's only 70 guild with no Toyota drivers in it
Haha Jultanen stop boozing and get sober! xD. You know its Hydra aid Toyota thats the best or if not the Audi 6 V8 liter or maybe a Mazda 6 hahaha :p who knows these days :p

Anyhow the guilds about enjoyment and atm we are to extend higher core members to help us with the 25 man raidings. We have implented a low carriage run for "Gear item Ilvl" at 121 or less to run through Kara just for the 1th time experience challenge as well. This is run every Thursday at 21:00. Atm there is set up 2 Karazhan raids for the upcoming event.

Winter's coming **_**
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