\\Zendelin// Searching core members to fill our ranks for 25 man raiding.


Guild name : Zendelin

Website : Zendelin.guildlaunch.com

Server : Boulderfist-EU Alliance

youtube channel: YouTube - Varanoka's Channel

Requirements : Have a good attitude and be applied on the website before joining the guild. also want people with atleast item lvl 120 so you can get a head-start or else you will have to do alot of dungeons before joining our raids.

Ventrilo : we are using ventrilo for almost every raid we do. ALL 25 man raids we will be required people to stay online.

10man Za/Kara you do not need Ventrilo on, but those who would like it may do that.

We are looking for exceptional :

Hunter (Dps)

Mage (Dps)

Warlock (dps)

Druid (feral)

Shaman (resto)

Paladin (holy)

Priest (holy-disc)

And 1 more Warrior (tank)

Raid schedule:

We are currently sorting out the best raid times for everyone. so if you attend to join us please notify us what time you could raid so we can fill that in.

We are raiding from Monday to Sunday But we have 1 - 2 days off for people to focus on school/study/work etc...

Monday - Raid - anything goes/optional

Tuesday - off

Wednesday - off

Thursday - Raid

friday - Raid

Saturday - Raid

Sunday - Raid

We want you because we are almost this close to becoming the best but socialistic TBC guild during Cataclysm.

We are only need of few more dedicated members to fill our last raid spots to do the last continents.

This is just some of missions we have been able to do, we are still in need for few more people that are willing to fight for this case through TBC and for final event take Kil'jaeden!

Some extra information if you did not catch up on the above text

Since we are a raiding guild, and we do actually take our guild seriously, we have certain requirements that we expect our members to meet.

* If you wish to join us, you MUST make an application on our guild website before you can receive a guild invite. Using guild forums is compulsory for our guild, and by applying on our website you gain access to our forums.

* Ventrilo use for progression raids.

* Be willing to use any mandatory addons we require or may require.

* Act in a mature manner, have control of yourself and able to follow both rules and instructions.

* Be prepared to actually try to improve both your gear and your skill level / competency.

* Be active. We are not a sideline guild. Not showing up to raids because you had a raid on your L80/L85 is not an option. You are either with us or you aren't. 10 days no-warning-inactivity gives you a guild-rank-reset and puts you into inactive rank. 14 days no-warning-inactivity gets you a guild kick. Being kicked or demoted to inactive.

* You need to know the boss strategies before coming to a raid. We are not going to explain every single boss strategy each time, and if you mess up because not knowing the rules then it's your head on the block.
34857349857th "We're recruitting post". How about you ban this idiot already?
Friyn said:
34857349857th "We're recruitting post". How about you ban this idiot already?

Woow, that's alot of posts! Which I haven't seen. I only see 16 posts at him, and only 3 of them is recruits... It's a good guild yes, just need a few more members... Banning him for what?

Dumbass newbie
he has 2 recruitment posts, the same thing, in the 70 bracket forums now...
You have 4 threads opened about recruitment. I'm closing & deleting all the rest. Open another and I'm going to start infracting you.

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