<Not a Twink Guild> Deathwing EU


<Not a Twink Guild> Horde - Deathwing - EU

Guild info

We started the guild 2010-11-29 and in this writing moment we have 65 different accounts in the guild now. About 60 level 70s

The officers in the guild is experienced with the burning crusade content and with leading raids.

Our goal is to farm sunwell with 70s only and do rated Battleground while have a good time doing so.

Server: Deathwing

Homepage: News Flash! ( Must apply on the website if you're going to join the guild. )

Raid days: Not decided yet.

Our demands: Be active, come prepared for raids, dont just show up and be totally clueless! read up on the boss fights.


kz: Cleared

Za: Cleared


Maggy: Cleared



BT: 6/9


At the moment we are looking for everything except paladins, Warriors and dk's

But dont be afraid to apply anyway if we arent looking for your class, exceptional applications will always be considered!


The general rules is:

- Act friendly and mature both in guild and outside the guild.

- You dont cry about loot.

- If you are online during a raid and a spot is open you attend!

- Don't ninja anything.

- We dont have any gear requirements for the moment, but we prefer that you atleast have your professions maxxed out.

Use your common sence!

The loot rules is:

- We use loot council and Master Loot sometimes/ We are gonna switch to dkp, will work better for everyone

- Members get loot over trials

- Vanity items like mounts etc will be raid rolled

Mooshu, Dworrski, Sheil, Zill, Warpten and Obirshi.

Come talk with us online or make an application!

I will come here every day for updates, since we're growing into a bigger guild every day!
So, do you also accept people who outgear the current raids you're doing? I got plenty of other gear to use during raids, but I also have SWP gear, can I use that or do I have to wait till there is progress in SWP?

Got the answer from your Armory :p.

Next question would be, do you need a prot/arms warrior?
Snap, I was looking for a twink guild, but guess I'll keep on looking. :/
I have a worrior fury and prot and on my server there is no 70 guilds i will server change if i see that this guild is serious sorry for bad english
But why not master looter i have had bad experiance with loot council it is often curropted ?
points said:
But why not master looter i have had bad experiance with loot council it is often curropted ?

Well, our guild officer's and me are not ¨corrupted¨. We allready had a guild called Cupcake Crusader where we also used loot council for a half year and it worked out really good, so we're going to stick with that. It is really good and ofc we dont ninja any stuff there is. Everything is rolled on.
Post updated! we're growing fast! need more casters mainly, but all classes are welcome to apply!
Rogue here.

Sublety (not ambush though).. (i know what im doing)

Got combat pve- I was thinking about transferring, but im gonna get some better gear first :)

I've done most of TBC raids, boosts though :p

Just need a green light before i put in some real thoughts about changing :)

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