<Not a Twink Guild> Deathwing EU

Hey Zareem, Braumin here from Ravenholdt. Getting bored of new content now we have cleared everything on normal and done a few hard modes and thinking of making a new twink again. Got a level 60 Rogue I could level up and x-realm, got plenty of gold I can give it so professions/enchants/gems won't be a problem if you can get me a bit of gear. I think I have enough honor to get full brutal anyway, and if I can get the JC patterns from sunwell, rings/neck won't be a problem. Even if I can't raid, I'd come x-realm and PvP. What your new char on Deathwing? :)

Edit: Could also get the crafted sunwell gloves if somebody has the pattern. Like I said, gold is no issue; got about 20k to blow :)

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