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  1. Arena bracket

    Sober when are u going to start playing agian? D:::
  2. Arena bracket

    I was playing dualboxxing both toons when i faced them, still beat em tho la :D
  3. Arena bracket

    confirmed that arena is not level 70. vsed 2 72 Deathknights in a rated today, Påthós and Rengarq from Gun'drak alliance.
  4. Arena bracket

    im 100% sure he was level 71 lol
  5. Arena bracket

    So what level is Arena? becasue i saw a level 71 in a rated game lol.
  6. Wargames @ 70

    ...erm we had 4 people in 2 different groups
  7. Wargames @ 70

    So ... are they working or what? We had 4 people in 2 dif groups to try a 2v2. The command we used was /wg *name* Blade We got the request for the war game but it said that the party members were UNABLE to join ... Help?
  8. Resiliance or Stam Brutal set (Restoration shaman)

    Ok, cheers thanks!
  9. Resiliance or Stam Brutal set (Restoration shaman)

    Sup guys ... I already have a Brutal set, but i was looking to make another, mainly for dueling level 80s etc. So ...Resiliance or Stamina gems?! Full brut and pvp off set gives about 400 resil + which is about 27% reduction, is it worth stacking more resil? or just go all out stamina?
  10. <Still runs ZA for Bear> Lvl 70 Twink Guild Recruiting [Horde]

    Ha ... Well regardless of being horde or alliance, your just going to be another team to farm in S9 :)
  11. <Still runs ZA for Bear> Lvl 70 Twink Guild Recruiting [Horde]

    Fuck off lol, alliance does not have one race i would reroll to :(
  12. Wtf is this?

    Time to gear the DK!
  13. Has Vengeance been grouped with anyother battlegroups yet?!

    i would really like to know lol Ques are still not poping :(:(:((
  14. NOT being able to do a battleground

    Ok ... i enabled Wotlk trial for fun, went to que a AV and i dont get any games.... been in que for 2h+ and nothing, i cant join as a grp bcasue it says im unavaliable...i have made sure XP is on and still nothing ... zzz FML Also cant do Wotlk instances ... so strange :O
  15. 70 Twinks: How's AV Weekend looking

    ...I have done the same, yet for some reason it doesnt work for me .... been in que for 2h+ and nothing, i cant join as a grp bcasue it says im unavaliable...i have made sure XP is on and still nothing ... zzz FML