Has Vengeance been grouped with anyother battlegroups yet?!

Jakeee said:
i would really like to know lol

Ques are still not poping :(:(:((

There's still a lot of bugs when queuing for battlegrounds. They should have all of these bugs fixed when they release the next patch. Also, you will get battleground pops, in all brackets, on all servers, when the battlegroup merging is finished in a few weeks.
jakkee wheres yanoo the fat fuck ? :D

Edit:dontworry this is how aussies talk to eachotha.
Pizza said:
Also, you will get battleground pops, in all brackets, on all servers, when the battlegroup merging is finished in a few weeks.

All brackets? While I'm hoping for that and believe it will happen, I haven't seen any information to corroborate that. Where did you hear it?


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