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  1. Mists of Pandaria Remix

    Tuft of Yak Fur will accumulate in your mailbox since its unique.
  2. Mists of Pandaria Remix

    Don't forget you can make jailbroken Demon Hunters and Evokers who will end up twinks at 20 since you skip the intro zone. Wonder if they measure up to other classes. Also I am still salty that +Speed from mastery for DH is now a talent that can't be reached by 20s. WTF blizz.
  3. Mists of Pandaria Remix

    I wonder if you can group up with a 29+ character for the same quest and let them interact with the bell, will it count for for progress. Also does party-sync work in Remix?
  4. Dragonflight F2P Baseline Guide

  5. Farming for WF epics, there must be diminishing return

    Blizzard nerfs it all <insert Cthulu.jpg> and/or <ion_smug.gif>
  6. Farming for WF epics, there must be diminishing return

    Take it with a grain of salt but there is a running theory between me and my wife (who is crazy collector) that there is a very slight global pity timer that is affected by specific drops or lack thereof. Also it has something to do with inactivity on characters. My personal 'voodoo' is that if...
  7. Baron Mount Solo possible?

    Epics from classic will be 87ilvl at level 20 btw.
  8. Baron Mount Solo possible?

    Lifestealing is not a "buff" proc enchant, it works more like an extra Shadow damage component per hit so enchanting both weapons will have a more hit chances. It only procs on 'melee' hits and I've only tested it on Fury and somewhat on Monk with crane kick, but I can imagine it works for...
  9. Dragonflight F2P Baseline Guide

    There are two ways to get around the item level restriction for weapons but they require a bit of foresight and planning. If you enchant the heirloom weapon prior to scaling to be higher to item level be it as a lowbie yourself or sending it from an alt as a vet then you can expect the enchant...
  10. It's time to say goodbye

    Very new to Xp-Off and was delighted to see an active community around a niche part of wow, Google is unusable and SEO'd to the ground and reddit is meh and revolves more and more around the FOTD and karma chasing but here I found real info! I kid you not, this site was recommended to me on...
  11. Baron Mount Solo possible?

    To further elaborate on why I personally choose to focus on versatility is that as a dps or healing spec, that's the only way to gain survivability while also gaining a catch-all damage buff. Tank specs are a lot more nuanced and can benefit more from other stats. Good luck farming and have fun...
  12. Baron Mount Solo possible?

    The whole problem is that you are restricted after item level 50 from using some of the cool old world enchants. Either use the scroll on ANY heirloom weapon for your spec on a low level character then mail it to your twink or you could enchant Legion Artifacts before you add relics to them, I...
  13. Baron Mount Solo possible?

    Just a couple of days ago I had it drop on my 20 Fury Warr! Dual lifestealing enchants on Hellscream 2h heirloom axes -make sure you enchant when they are less than 50 ilvl- and a healthy dose of vers/crit gear -aim for at least 30% vers- gets you by nice and steady just by spamming Whirlwind...
  14. What expansion loot can upgrade

    Ahem, saw it while trying to get said items. Never seen anything like it again though. Probably a hallucination but I wanted to get it out there in case it was just a super rare thing. Did get the Stratholme mount on my first solo run with my Vet/20 Warrior though so I might be messing with the...
  15. What expansion loot can upgrade

    Ok so I might be imagining it but I could swear I saw SL dungeon drop proc epic (patch 10.0.5) . Didn't sceenshot it though so take that is you may.
  16. Dragonflight F2P Baseline Guide

    221 absorb and 12 vers. 11 Stamina base and I even got 6 leech. Very underwhelming. Might be worth it if you want to make a speed set or something.
  17. How to one-shot boses (Vanilla up to WoD)

    /run C_PartyInfo.InviteUnit("a");C_Timer.After(1,function() C_PartyInfo.LeaveParty() end) This macro will create a dummy group and leave it, has the same effect as leaving a group to give you the 1 min timer. Might need a couple of tries to trigger though. No credit goes to me for this, I just...
  18. Level 20 monk solo dungeons Help needed

    Versatility\Crit + Lifesteal and spinning crane work well for me (people use mistweaver because you can spam it non-stop), you might want start with a lifesteal heirloom for trash and when you get a WF 2h switch to that for single target. At some point your monk will have enough HP to quickly...
  19. Are F2P Tanks still able to solo dungeons?

    You can buffer yourself quite well if you collect a good Vers set and avoiding any dead stat for your spec. Even non-tank classes can do massive pulls this way. I have a fury warrior with dual lifesteal SoO axes and even though I have a full set of epics now I still just default to my vers+crit...
  20. Dungeon drops Trading for Vet\F2P?

    And only for this weekend Mar/10/2023 there is free game time for Vets :PagChomp: