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  1. Basalt Rockling Nerfed?

    it was being used to spawn thousands of pets, causing cities to crash, itll prob be back once they fix it. Not to mention the bugged texture
  2. 12 dodge to cloak!

    This is untrue, I bought this recipe (Lower City rep) on my 80 Enchanter and have several cloaks that I enchanted myself on my 10s
  3. Regarding BIS items

    Everyone always mentioned the 40stam but that 40 spirit on WBFH is pretty OP for healers too..
  4. Question: Viabillity of 65 twinks due to stat scaling

    I don't think you've thought this through very well. Not only are you losing access to your 31 point talent, you are losing access to WotLK gear. Sure you might have a nice Helm, Decent trinkets, but these are the same items everyone else in the bracket has access to. If you use heirlooms...
  5. 20 twinking?

    Essentially you would be a level 19 twink (but with a mount!) fighting level 29 twinks
  6. Resil importance to 19 twinking?

    I think you guys will have to rethink your stance on resilience, it's being reworked significantly come 4.0.1 to the point where at level 10 you can easily stack 63%~ damage reduction from players, I'm not sure what kind of values you can get at 19, however. Resilience scaling to a minimum of...
  7. BiS Cataclysm lvl 10 Hunter

    PTR is live in 3 days, you will have time to enjoy the Resil change before (if) it gets nerfed
  8. BiS Cataclysm lvl 10 Hunter

    People on Wowhead say you can only enchant +250 mana or +22defense onto Formal Dangui, but I don't own one to test myself. Interestingly, +22 defense becomes +22 dodge on PTR. How much does +22dodge convert to at level 10? Anyone? Resilience has been majorly buffed for level 10s on PTR...
  9. Level 10 Priest

    I don't mean to burst your bubble but ANY self respecting level 10 twink MUST use BoAs, the ratings on them simply provide much of what keeps level 10 twinks afloat; Combat ratings scale retardedly from level 1-10, to the point where 1 crit rating is like 1.9% crit.. 4 hit rating = 5.2% hit, 10...
  10. Shadowfang

    The way to have only corpses with greens/blues/purples show is to have at LEAST 2 people in the instance; Designate one toon to loot corpses, I typically run with my main and dual box my friends toon just to autofollow.. Anyways, the toon you want to see the loot on (I use my 80 so I...