Search results

  1. Bara

    Lost City of Tolvir & Stonecore - Keep getting 1 Shot

    Nothing special for warrior 11 inside the tw cata dungeons, many items with mastery that you don't need. There are two mounts but you still have to be level 27 to learn them. don't worry too much, in 4 days there will be classic dungeons again. Edit: I forgot, you could stand 30yd away and use...
  2. Bara

    Tired Of Lvl 11 Warrior!!!

    If people complain there is a reason. And I don't mean the levelers who find themselves with a warrior 11 in the party, those on the contrary are really happy because they can get to the maximum level faster, because we know how things work nowadays, I get to 80 and then I go to a site that...
  3. Bara

    Bis 2H Weapon for Warriors

    If you have at least 30% crit TW Runeblade is the best. Crow Wing Reaper is barely noticeable inferior but if you lack a socket for a SL gem to cap speed for PVP (inside the bg you need 171 rating to have 49% speed because we are scaled to level 29) and if you are looking for a more balanced...
  4. Bara

    farm trinket Academy Faculty Pin

    I advise you to kill the mobs in this place in Azsuna: if nothing has changed in the latest expansions it is a hyperspawn zone As for all Boe greens there is no certainty and therefore you must arm yourself with patience and hope not only to find what you are looking for but also to be lucky...
  5. Bara

    Gold is the last thing I need. It's hard for me to sympathize with these Warner Bros tasmanian...

    Gold is the last thing I need. It's hard for me to sympathize with these Warner Bros tasmanian devils with murloc costume who dont know commitment, effort and dedication. They will quickly get bored, even before blizzard hits with his Nerfhammer.
  6. Bara

    We have overcome much worse things, we will also overcome this 11 furys pandemic. Be patient...

    We have overcome much worse things, we will also overcome this 11 furys pandemic. Be patient friends.
  7. Bara

    Tired Of Lvl 11 Warrior!!!

    Lvl 10 warrior :LUL:
  8. Bara

    R there any enchants for shoulder/legs @20?

    For the trousers these: Requires 1 skill point in Pandaria leatherworking, the enchantment still works...
  9. Bara

    [MEDIA] The cinematic depiction of every warrior fury 11 posting their armory link

    The cinematic depiction of every warrior fury 11 posting their armory link
  10. Bara

    Would my warrior be BIS aside from bfa ring?

    I believe that before drawing up a list of what is best, we need to understand the purpose. Haste in a parallel universe where the warrior 11 has to face long battles is obviously the statistic to focus on, more haste = more whirlwinds = more proc of lifestealing as someone else has already...
  11. Bara

    Would my warrior be BIS aside from bfa ring?

    I'll try to be serious this time, with the premise that no one has truly ever been and never will be Bis, but we can try to get as close as possible. Your warrior seems really good, for the purpose of clearing every dungeon quickly and easily, like the dozens that are in the forum armory for...
  12. Bara

    WOTLK Time walking this week. Whats the best items to go for?

    it works but the feeling is that it has an internal CD of over 1 minute. When proc, it does what it says, reduces each attack by a maximum of 158 over 10 seconds at level 20.
  13. Bara

    Did a Naked & Geared DPS Comparison between the most common / popular TW 2H weapons - As an 11 Fury Warrior

    Impressive work, can you tell me in which scenario you have to face a battle that lasts 5 minutes or more with a fury 11 except for the target dummy? I don't want to sound like the grumpy old man on the forum but personally I find this whole thing funny. I don't even consider war 11 a twink in...
  14. Bara

    Need help with my 11 fury warrior

    You are completely right. Sorry if I express myself badly but English is not my language, I'm trying to put things on a less technical and more practical level. What I'm trying to say, 11 fury and the current scaling of the game are broken things. You only need 2 big two-handers and double...
  15. Bara

    Need help with my 11 fury warrior

    it's not worth it. I reply to you to reply to all new members. the difference between 23% haste and 15% is that the gcd instead of being 1.3 sec is 1.21 sec. The 'very complex' rotation of the war 11 fury is just whirlwind. There's no need to compress it to fit anything else inside. in my...
  16. Bara

    Essence of the Pure Flame

    The item i'm referring to is the one currently obtainable from Ragnaros in Molten Core (iLvl 148) capped at level 30. Your question made me remember that in the bank I also have the same trinket obtained before the level squish. So I did some testing and the old version (iLvl 29) hits for about...
  17. Bara

    Essence of the Pure Flame I don't know if you were already aware of this but this trinket is broken, in the tooltip it says 2 damage but against anniversary world bosses, Blackrock depths Lfr and timewalking dungeons it reflects the damage for 1.4k+...
  18. Bara

    10s! Show off your loot drops!

    At the current state of the game, the only objects found inside dungeons that can have an additional socket are: helmet, necklace, bracelets, belt, rings. At the current state of the game, the items that can have an additional socket in any slot beyond those mentioned above are those from rare...
  19. Bara

    How does one get gear that is lvl-locked?

    You have to choose the cataclysm timeline from chromie and be at least level 15 to be able to join the queue for dire maul. try changing the timeline a few times or doing a dungeon if it doesn't let you select the specific instance because in the last few days it seems buggy. Everyone is doing...
  20. Bara

    "How to solo", a Death Knight dungeonning guide.

    Many thanks for these comprehensive answers. You should know that apart from the warrior I have no proficiency with the other classes. I have always been a warrior. But I like to play the other classes to know their strengths and weaknesses in case I have to face them. Furthermore, when you have...