Did a Naked & Geared DPS Comparison between the most common / popular TW 2H weapons - As an 11 Fury Warrior


I have been browsing this forum for the past few weeks and only joined a week ago.
I've been playing WoW since Vanilla, exclusively have played an Arms Warrior. This expansion just havent been feeling the end game very much and havent really touched my main in a few weeks.
Read about low level twinks just destroying shit and it reminded me of MoP remix. And I LOVED MoP remix.

I created this toon about 2 weeks ago. Here is my armory. I have a full TW set, but its not what I keep equipped because ILVL 30 gear socketed is stronger in my opinion.

Both in my guild chat and on here I've seen a lot of chatter about the best 2H combo but havent really seen anyone with a ton of data behind their opinion.
Ive been running two of the TW skull cleavers from this weeks WOTLK TW and my DPS felt off compared to the waveslicers I had up til this week.
So I figured only way to know for sure is to test out all of the options.

I tested:
https://www.wowhead.com/item=127520/colossal-skull-clad-cleaver?bonus=11070 x2
https://www.wowhead.com/item=18324/waveslicer x2
https://www.wowhead.com/item=7230/smites-mighty-hammer x2
https://www.wowhead.com/item=18717/hammer-of-the-grand-crusader x2
https://www.wowhead.com/item=13505/runeblade-of-baron-rivendare x1 w/ https://www.wowhead.com/item=18717/hammer-of-the-grand-crusader x1
https://www.wowhead.com/item=105679/hellscreams-decapitator x 2 (ILVL20 version)

I did the tests both naked so only the weapons equipped were the difference, and then I did them geared. I did not re-gem to min max haste or vers or anything else because I do not have a million gold and there are so many variables there would always be something I could have changed.
I used the AOE target dummies in SW for 5 minutes each test. Its a 3 target cleave.
Lifestealing is enchanted on every weapon.

There are 6 screenshots per test.
My stats with only the weapons equipped
My DPS with only the weapons
The breakdown in my DPS with only the weapons
My stats with all gear and weapons equipped
My DPS fully geared
The breakdown of my DPS fully geared

The rankings:

Only weapons Equipped:
1. https://www.wowhead.com/item=127520/colossal-skull-clad-cleaver?bonus=11070 x 2 = 174 DPS
2. https://www.wowhead.com/item=18717/hammer-of-the-grand-crusader x 2 = 165 DPS
3. https://www.wowhead.com/item=105679/hellscreams-decapitator x 2 = 151 DPS
4. https://www.wowhead.com/item=18324/waveslicer x 2 = 122 DPS
5. https://www.wowhead.com/item=13505/runeblade-of-baron-rivendare x 1 w/ https://www.wowhead.com/item=18717/hammer-of-the-grand-crusader x 1 = 117 DPS
6. https://www.wowhead.com/item=7230/smites-mighty-hammer x 2 = 113 DPS

Fully geared:
1. https://www.wowhead.com/item=18324/waveslicer x 2 = 384 DPS
2. https://www.wowhead.com/item=18717/hammer-of-the-grand-crusader x 2 = 382 DPS
3. https://www.wowhead.com/item=7230/smites-mighty-hammer x 2 = 361 DPS
4. https://www.wowhead.com/item=127520/colossal-skull-clad-cleaver?bonus=11070 x 2 = 318 DPS
5. https://www.wowhead.com/item=13505/runeblade-of-baron-rivendare x 1 w/ https://www.wowhead.com/item=18717/hammer-of-the-grand-crusader x 1 = 306 DPS
6. https://www.wowhead.com/item=105679/hellscreams-decapitator x 2 = 287 DPS

As I finish typing all of this out and question my sanity I realize everyones setup is going to be different. Gems will make a big difference for each of us. Gear will be a big difference for each of us.

tldr: none of this matters because as long as youre level 11 fury warrior with lifesteal enchanted you can faceroll pretty much anything you want
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DPS Weapons only

DPS Fully geared

Breakdown of DPS weapons only

Breakdown of DPS fully geared

Weapons only Stats

Fully geared stats
Runeblade of Baron Rivendare & Hammer of the Grand Crusader

DPS Weapons only

DPS Fully geared

Breakdown of DPS weapons only

Breakdown of DPS fully geared

Weapons only Stats

Fully geared stats
Hellscream's Decapitator

DPS Weapons Only

DPS Fully Geared

Breakdown of DPS Weapons Only

Breakdown of DPS Fully Geared

Weapons Only Stats

Fully Geared Stats
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Impressive work,
can you tell me in which scenario you have to face a battle that lasts 5 minutes or more with a fury 11 except for the target dummy?
I don't want to sound like the grumpy old man on the forum but personally I find this whole thing funny.
I don't even consider war 11 a twink in the current state of the game, there is no challenge and no margin for error, it's more like a level 80 that completes ragefire chasm in legacy mode and when he's finished he asks himself which weapon is better, this mythical one from the dungeon or this one from the final boss of the heroic raid? and make a sim on raidbot.
But I like your attitude and the attention you have for details and the desire to improve, that's the spirit.
keep it up.
Impressive work,
can you tell me in which scenario you have to face a battle that lasts 5 minutes or more with a fury 11 except for the target dummy?
I don't want to sound like the grumpy old man on the forum but personally I find this whole thing funny.
I don't even consider war 11 a twink in the current state of the game, there is no challenge and no margin for error, it's more like a level 80 that completes ragefire chasm in legacy mode and when he's finished he asks himself which weapon is better, this mythical one from the dungeon or this one from the final boss of the heroic raid? and make a sim on raidbot.
But I like your attitude and the attention you have for details and the desire to improve, that's the spirit.
keep it up.
I believe the 5 minutes would be for a consistent dps average, not actually what you are trying to kill in 5 minutes
how good are Garrosh heirlooms with 2 str sockets on each of them compared to these?
Great question. I used them when the toon was 1st created til I had replacements. I have updated the 1st post with these as an option. I put +3 STR gems in though not +2.
With only weapons equipped they held their own very well. Once geared though Lifesteal procced way less sending it to the bottom in the geared ranking.
Impressive work,
can you tell me in which scenario you have to face a battle that lasts 5 minutes or more with a fury 11 except for the target dummy?
I don't want to sound like the grumpy old man on the forum but personally I find this whole thing funny.
I don't even consider war 11 a twink in the current state of the game, there is no challenge and no margin for error, it's more like a level 80 that completes ragefire chasm in legacy mode and when he's finished he asks himself which weapon is better, this mythical one from the dungeon or this one from the final boss of the heroic raid? and make a sim on raidbot.
But I like your attitude and the attention you have for details and the desire to improve, that's the spirit.
keep it up.
I did a 5 minute timer to try and eliminate RNG as much as possible. And you are correct, which is why I put the tldr at the bottom of the 1st post because honestly you almost cant mess up an 11 youre gonna be badass no matter what, im just trying to milk as much badass out of it as I can.
I would imagine after hitting Haste soft cap Runeblade of Baron Rivendare + Colossal Skull-Clad Cleaver would be the 2nd best option; first would still be double Colossal Skull-Clad Cleavers after swapping the gems/ enchants around?
You know what I found interesting after the fact was looking at the screenshots, lifesteal procced far less with 2x Skull Clad cleaver than any other TW 2H combo, like thats the main difference from it doing very well weapon only to falling towards the bottom of the list fully geared.
This is good stuff! Great work!
Thank you.
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I just started recently myself and am wondering if it's really "worth it" to farm / gem / enchant all the socket gear.
I've got the 2 Colossal Skull-Clad Cleavers and a full set of current TW gear and am doing pretty good.
I just started recently myself and am wondering if it's really "worth it" to farm / gem / enchant all the socket gear.
I've got the 2 Colossal Skull-Clad Cleavers and a full set of current TW gear and am doing pretty good.
By no means is it "needed", just like farming full TW wasnt needed, but you did it because it was an upgrade versus what you had.
Right now I am farming a belt hoping for a 3rd socket, spending way too much time looking for 1 socket that gonna give me a whole 3 STR.
Do I need another 3 STR? No, not really. But it gives me a goal to aim for versus running the same TW dungeons for loot I dont want or need.
Thank you for the test. It was an interesting read!

But I think there might be a slight methodic problem with your setup with the 3 target dummies in SW. I’ll explain:

Whirlwind has an 8 yard range whereas Lifestealing only procs inside the normal 5 yard melee range. You can easily test it yourself: approach a target dummy from a distance beyond Whirlwind-range. Now, start moving slowly toward the dummy while spamming Whirlwind. When Whirlwind starts hitting the dummy, stop, and stand still on that spot. You will now be approximately 8 yards from the dummy. Continue spamming Whirlwind for a while. On your damage meter you will notice that Whirlwind does damage, but there will be no Lifestealing procs at all. Next, move up close to the dummy and continue spamming Whirlwind. You will notice that Lifestealing will begin to proc as soon as you get closer to the dummy (that is, within 5 yards).

The problem is that you are not able to be within 5 yards of all 3 target dummies in SW at the same time. That means that Lifestealing can only proc from 1 or 2 of the dummies at a time, depending on your positioning, whereas Whirlwind will easily hit all 3 dummies all the time.

So, the test setup is – in my opinion – a bit flawed as it seems to favorize damage from Whirlwind and downplay the potential for Lifestealing procs.

On top of that, there’s another potential problem if you are not aware of the range-differences between Whirlwind and Lifestealing when you do the cleave-tests on the three SW dummies: You might have positioned yourself differently during each of the encounters – sometimes in 5-yard range of only 1 dummy, and at other times in 5-yard range of 2 dummies. And that will lead to incomparable test results.

To prove my point: Look at the dps screenshots from the tests of “Colossal Skull Clad Cleaver”. It’s really odd that you have 1026 Lifestealing procs during the “naked” test, whereas you only have 556 Lifestealing procs during the full geared test! You would expect it to be the other way around: Fully geared, with more haste, you should get more Lifestealing procs than naked. The same pattern shows up in the test of “Hellscream's Decapitator”: Naked-test has 910 Lifestealing procs, whereas Fully-geared-test has only 546 Lifestealing procs.

I guess you have been inside the 5-yard range of two dummies when you did the naked tests of Colossal Skull Clad Cleaver and Hellscream's Decapitator. But only inside the 5-yard range of one dummy when you did the full geared test, which explains the low amount of Lifestealing procs in these cases.

But non the less an interesting test and impressive work you have undertaken, so keep it coming :)
Thank you for the test. It was an interesting read!

But I think there might be a slight methodic problem with your setup with the 3 target dummies in SW. I’ll explain:

Whirlwind has an 8 yard range whereas Lifestealing only procs inside the normal 5 yard melee range. You can easily test it yourself: approach a target dummy from a distance beyond Whirlwind-range. Now, start moving slowly toward the dummy while spamming Whirlwind. When Whirlwind starts hitting the dummy, stop, and stand still on that spot. You will now be approximately 8 yards from the dummy. Continue spamming Whirlwind for a while. On your damage meter you will notice that Whirlwind does damage, but there will be no Lifestealing procs at all. Next, move up close to the dummy and continue spamming Whirlwind. You will notice that Lifestealing will begin to proc as soon as you get closer to the dummy (that is, within 5 yards).

The problem is that you are not able to be within 5 yards of all 3 target dummies in SW at the same time. That means that Lifestealing can only proc from 1 or 2 of the dummies at a time, depending on your positioning, whereas Whirlwind will easily hit all 3 dummies all the time.

So, the test setup is – in my opinion – a bit flawed as it seems to favorize damage from Whirlwind and downplay the potential for Lifestealing procs.

On top of that, there’s another potential problem if you are not aware of the range-differences between Whirlwind and Lifestealing when you do the cleave-tests on the three SW dummies: You might have positioned yourself differently during each of the encounters – sometimes in 5-yard range of only 1 dummy, and at other times in 5-yard range of 2 dummies. And that will lead to incomparable test results.

To prove my point: Look at the dps screenshots from the tests of “Colossal Skull Clad Cleaver”. It’s really odd that you have 1026 Lifestealing procs during the “naked” test, whereas you only have 556 Lifestealing procs during the full geared test! You would expect it to be the other way around: Fully geared, with more haste, you should get more Lifestealing procs than naked. The same pattern shows up in the test of “Hellscream's Decapitator”: Naked-test has 910 Lifestealing procs, whereas Fully-geared-test has only 546 Lifestealing procs.

I guess you have been inside the 5-yard range of two dummies when you did the naked tests of Colossal Skull Clad Cleaver and Hellscream's Decapitator. But only inside the 5-yard range of one dummy when you did the full geared test, which explains the low amount of Lifestealing procs in these cases.

But non the less an interesting test and impressive work you have undertaken, so keep it coming :)
Oh man you are correct on everything you just said, and owwww its still a punch to the gut.
It would 100% explain why lifestealing procs significantly lessened with certain 2h vs other 2h.
And while on each attempt I set up shop right in front of the middle of the 3 dummies, 2 pixels in either direction could in theory make me be far enough away from lifesteal to not proc on the 3rd dummy. And since I am just standing still, thats 5 minutes of it not proccing.

Anyone know of 3 test dummies right on top of each other?
Or should I just stick to single target for this test?
I really wanted to do an AOE test as 99% of the time we are fighting multiple mobs at once, hell even boss fights I pull multiple rooms to that boss.

This is frustrating, and mindblowing. But yeah looks like Ive gotta do it all over lol.
I'm not as dedicated as OP, but I did quick 1min geared test (waited few min between tests to let trinket procs cd) standing between 2 dummies and that's what I got:

Rune + Cleaver: 290 DPS

* Haste 22.73%, Versality 12.05%

2x Cleaver: 291 DPS

* Haste 27.14% (DR), Versality 8.32%

But I noticed exactly what others mentioned:
Life steal procs have much smaller range than the Whirlwind (also can be seen by "undead orbs" procs on dummies).

Moving just a step to one side and 2x Cleaver build somehow had 200-ish procs and had to retake it.
Anyone know of 3 test dummies right on top of each other?
Or should I just stick to single target for this test?
I really wanted to do an AOE test as 99% of the time we are fighting multiple mobs at once, hell even boss fights I pull multiple rooms to that boss.
In Boralus (63.9, 23.1), there are 4 test dummies in a group. all easily within the 5yd radius
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