Essence of the Pure Flame


I don't know if you were already aware of this but this trinket is broken, in the tooltip it says 2 damage but against anniversary world bosses, Blackrock depths Lfr and timewalking dungeons it reflects the damage for 1.4k+
It's my main source of damage.

Screenshot 2024-11-19 221136.png
Very interesting, what item level is the trinket you have? Because, as far as I know, all the raid items before they were capped at level 30 had their Itemlevel reduced. I have almost all those old items in the bank, I hope we can go back into raids someday
The item i'm referring to is the one currently obtainable from Ragnaros in Molten Core (iLvl 148) capped at level 30.
Your question made me remember that in the bank I also have the same trinket obtained before the level squish.
So I did some testing and the old version (iLvl 29) hits for about 650 dmg.

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