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  1. Is 100hp to chest back?

    Oh? You're gaining 60 hp, but losing 60 mana, .13% Dodge / Crit, 0.2%~ spell crit, 2/4 AP (depending on class), and 2 Block value. Think if it this way, then. +4 Stats is superior to +100 HP unless you drop below 60 HP. At that point, +100 HP wins; at that point, you're as good as dead...
  2. WTT shadowfang for computer

    Thank you for this, it gave me a good chuckle. However, the shift and enter keys are your friends — please use them. My eyes are bleeding.
  3. Azeroths Past 60 Raiding / Twink Guild

    The Rank 14 grind was far more difficult than raiding — I'm guessing you're not familiar with the old honor system?
  4. Is 100hp to chest back?

    +4 Stats is superior to 100 HP regardless. Quit being sheep, HP stacking is not exactly the epitome of masterful twinking.
  5. Hunter Vs Rogue

    The better player.
  6. Small Shamman change question

    You are indeed correct, something like the following would be your optimal rotation. Free GCDs can be used for refreshing Lightning Shield or using Lifeblood, GotN, or potions. Purge or a free GCD can be substituted for Wind Shear. Flame Shock -> Purge -> Purge -> Free GCD -> Earth Shock ->...
  7. Small Shamman change question

    Agree 100%, if you don't know how to fake cast you really need to learn. Also, NECB helps track enemy cooldowns. Though, I wish I had some dispel protection for my HoTs. Purge eating Regrowth and Rejuvenation is quite frustrating.
  8. Small Shamman change question

    Wind Shock is being renamed to Wind Shear, but no longer shares a cooldown with shock spells. You'll still be getting interrupted every 6 seconds, but now you'll also be taking more damage because they can Wind Shear and Earth Shock every six seconds.
  9. old exploit re-visited

    And its abuse will lead to it being removed. Twinking isn't about winning Warsong Gulch, it's about maximizing your character to allow your own skill to manifest at its fullest. In the spirit of Twinkinfo, I hope we can all agree that this exploit needs to be exposed and removed...
  10. Patch 3.2 live

    Nethaera made it very clear that this was an extremely early announcement.
  11. This my be rather unique - Warlock Help Needed

    This is very true. Three capable hunters (and one pet, as I root and hibernate two of them) burn me down extremely quickly, even through Rejuvenation, Regrowth, Lifeblood, and Heavy Stone Statues. I suppose it doesn't help that Bear Form isn't a viable option, due to Scare Beast, however.
  12. Patch 3.2 live

    No, good sir, it is not. It's going to take an extremely long time to develop, when you consider how race specific mounts, quest items, quest flags, and most importantly, reputations will carry over. Rawr =3
  13. Patch 3.2 live

    As was mentioned earlier, the 20 minute timer will be a great change in many ways. Primarily, the first flag cap will be as it always is with premades — once that flag is captured, however, it will be a game of controlling your flag and fighting as much as your heart desires while the timer...
  14. Patch 3.2 live

    Priests and Shamans can Dispel / Purge Ghost Wolf.
  15. Patch 3.2 live

    No. They gave an extremely early announcement that they would begin development on the feature, but I would expect it to be released around the same time Icecrown is.
  16. Patch 3.2 live

    Edit: Yes Faceroll, US servers are down right now. They'll be up between 11:00 AM and 12:00 PM (That's a one hour window for those that don't understand 12:00 PM = noon), due to server maintenance pertaining to 3.2 going live today. Edit Two: It seems the login server is back up, but the...
  17. Patch 3.2 live

    As a Vindication Restoration Druid, I'm extremely happy with the changes. In a Battlegroup full of honor farming hunters and rogues (see: bad players), the ability to (more easily) carry and capture a flag for the win is extremely satiating. Though, after nearly two weeks, I still can't...