old exploit re-visited

i'm shocked and ashamed at most of you in this thread. if you know how to get up there, please let us all know. this way, when someone decides to CHEAT in wsg which now only lasts 20 mins, we will know how to get up there. you people saying you are actually going to use the exploit, make me sick to my stomach.
Spooksters said:
Really nice, thanks for bringing this to my attention :)


Really nifty trick up there for 'other' purposes aswell...like a game breaking trick

maybe you want to enlighten us all on how you got up there? that was the very point of this thread. you are hurting the twink community by keeping it to yourself, further degrading it into a bunch of lolkids who would rather sit in a LOS/unreachable area until their 9 teammates return the flag.

one of the purposes of Drayner's site is to expose all exploits so they are nerfed ASAP. if not nerfed, at least everyone can do them as to somewhat level the playing field in response to someone abusing the terrain.
Juicie said:
maybe you want to enlighten us all on how you got up there? that was the very point of this thread. you are hurting the twink community by keeping it to yourself, further degrading it into a bunch of lolkids who would rather sit in a LOS/unreachable area until their 9 teammates return the flag.

one of the purposes of Drayner's site is to expose all exploits so they are nerfed ASAP. if not nerfed, at least everyone can do them as to somewhat level the playing field in response to someone abusing the terrain.

I also know how to get up there, but sharing it with EVERYONE will only lead to it being abused.
Eliot said:
I also know how to get up there, but sharing it with EVERYONE will only lead to it being abused.

And its abuse will lead to it being removed.

Twinking isn't about winning Warsong Gulch, it's about maximizing your character to allow your own skill to manifest at its fullest. In the spirit of Twinkinfo, I hope we can all agree that this exploit needs to be exposed and removed.

Rawr =3
Eliot said:
I also know how to get up there, but sharing it with EVERYONE will only lead to it being abused.

i'm not really interested in any descriptions at this point as i'll just ask one of my friends when they arrive home from work. this thread is now more about how you guys are obviously terrible twinks and do not care about competition. if you had a shred of skill or pride you would shout to the rooftops how to jump to the location as per my reasons in the above posts.

i'll be sure to add how it's done to this thread, and then make another thread as well. then, all of you who want to hide how it's done, can go cry to your mother's because people will be able to get to you now.

This site isn't to tell everyone about the exploits -.- the leg patches and crap was released via the site because the VAST MAJORITY of the twinking community was doing it, if I keep this on the down-low, only a small handful of people will do it. I am not explaining how to do it, I saw the picture and figured it out within 3 minutes - it's not hard (if you're not retarded) but I am not going around telling you how to win a 20 minute match due to LOS issues while you watch TV.
Juicie said:
i'm not really interested in any descriptions at this point as i'll just ask one of my friends when they arrive home from work. this thread is now more about how you guys are obviously terrible twinks and do not care about competition. if you had a shred of skill or pride you would shout to the rooftops how to jump to the location as per my reasons in the above posts.

i'll be sure to add how it's done to this thread, and then make another thread as well. then, all of you who want to hide how it's done, can go cry to your mother's because people will be able to get to you now.


I took the screen shot to prove it is do-able, and that is isn't hard. I would never use terrible crap like this in a game, I took 5 minutes in a PuG wsg and figured it out, took a SS and posted it to prove it IS possible. I am not going to say HOW to do it - because people who read this site may use it to their advantage, and that is not what im about :3
wow you guys love to lie. you aren't telling people how because you like to exploit. you don't want others hopping up there and ruining your little exploit circle jerk party. you have zero skill and zero pride. it's ok, i will make my own thread as stated later this evening and let EVERYONE know in insane detail how to accomplish this exploit. so, when someone from the opposing team does this, your team doesn't automatically lose since no one knew how to get up there.

god forbid you guys should win a warsong w/o terrain exploits.

I told you before, it's not fair game because it's unreliable and some models can't actually do it. So just forget about it already.
Juicie said:
wow you guys love to lie. you aren't telling people how because you like to exploit. you don't want others hopping up there and ruining your little exploit circle jerk party. you have zero skill and zero pride. it's ok, i will make my own thread as stated later this evening and let EVERYONE know in insane detail how to accomplish this exploit. so, when someone from the opposing team does this, your team doesn't automatically lose since no one knew how to get up there.

god forbid you guys should win a warsong w/o terrain exploits.


This "exploit" has been around forever, and if you'd read the whole thread you'd know how to do it.
Sorry bro, just trollin' by.
Grunge said:
This "exploit" has been around forever, and if you'd read the whole thread you'd know how to do it.

it used to be around forever. then it was fixed. now people are doing it again a new way as the old way does not seem to work. if you would have read the whole thread, you would know that.
Juicie said:
it used to be around forever. then it was fixed. now people are doing it again a new way as the old way does not seem to work. if you would have read the whole thread, you would know that.

tbh this way doesn't seem like it just appeared out of thin air.
Juicie said:
wow you guys love to lie. you aren't telling people how because you like to exploit. you don't want others hopping up there and ruining your little exploit circle jerk party. you have zero skill and zero pride. it's ok, i will make my own thread as stated later this evening and let EVERYONE know in insane detail how to accomplish this exploit. so, when someone from the opposing team does this, your team doesn't automatically lose since no one knew how to get up there.

god forbid you guys should win a warsong w/o terrain exploits.


If we don't share how its done there will be no problems I don't intend on using this in a WSG I simplys as spooksters said wanted to know if it was auctually possible, which it is. If you really want to know how go figure it out its not hard.:eek:
it doesn't matter what your opinion is at this point as i will be informing everyone as soon as i am made aware. then it'll be back to playing warsong without terrain exploiting for the bads.
Eliot said:
If we don't share how its done there will be no problems I don't intend on using this in a WSG I simplys as spooksters said wanted to know if it was auctually possible, which it is. If you really want to know how go figure it out its not hard.:eek:

And the guys who would exploit this are probably too retarded to figure it out on their own so that's yet another reason to keep it under wraps.

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