Patch 3.2 live

Does anyone have any plans to find out how faction only items will transfer across factions? ie if you only had Inferno Robe how would that transfer, would it become an entirely new item? or would they just stick you with robe of the moccasin? I'm going to transfer my warrior over to the horde side to see how Chausses of westfall convert.
Ya I am screwed being a 79 twink:/ I guess I will just lvl to 80 get boas and pvp level some hunter, rogue, or Druid. Just have to wait and see:(.
Why anyone would want to turtle for a full 20 min is ridiculous... but I think this will be a positive thing. People will spend less time GY farming and be more focused on the goals.
Well, as a FC twink in the 19's, I'mma have to QQ on shamans, Druids, and hunter (oh great.) My guilds original FC was a shaman, I just got the position after getting more gear, hp and armour. Now she just pops ghost wolf and takes the flag. Sigh.
im amped about sticking my leet huntard into cheetah. Easier pwnage ftw. XP stoper is gna ruin me tho im gna have to much fun exploring\causing havoc in other locations to pvp
eww @ you. Vengeance Huntards > ALL! They take skillz... i swears it!
As a Vindication Restoration Druid, I'm extremely happy with the changes. In a Battlegroup full of honor farming hunters and rogues (see: bad players), the ability to (more easily) carry and capture a flag for the win is extremely satiating.

Though, after nearly two weeks, I still can't find an enchanter to do Enchant Gloves — Healing Power.

Rawr =3
Edit: Yes Faceroll, US servers are down right now. They'll be up between 11:00 AM and 12:00 PM (That's a one hour window for those that don't understand 12:00 PM = noon), due to server maintenance pertaining to 3.2 going live today.

Edit Two: It seems the login server is back up, but the world servers are still offline. I'll take this as a cue that Blizzard might actually bring them up in a timely fashion.

I'm looking forward to popping [ITEM]Discombobulator Ray[/ITEM] on defenders and fleeing in travel form. Between the Jewelcrafting statues I have saved up, Lifeblood, potions, and my monster HoTs, I'm really excited for the changes.

Though, it's nearly impossible for me to get my AGM. My main is an 80 Discipline Priest (4x Gladiator, <3 Vendayan & Gilliam), so I have absolutely no problem soloing Gurubashi to help my guild members loot the trinket... My guild, however, is frequently hesitant to help me get anything whatsoever. They'd rather I just spoon feed them gear from my main.

Oh, and I'm making a killing on Titanium Ore later today. Bought 400 stacks at 100-120g each, and prices are already up over 500g per stack. Maybe I could pay some people off at 1000g per chest to just let me have the damn thing ;_;

Sorry for wandering off topic...

Rawr =3
Grabco said:
Does anyone have any plans to find out how faction only items will transfer across factions? ie if you only had Inferno Robe how would that transfer, would it become an entirely new item? or would they just stick you with robe of the moccasin? I'm going to transfer my warrior over to the horde side to see how Chausses of westfall convert.

Is this coming with 3.2?
Eliot said:
Is this coming with 3.2?

No. They gave an extremely early announcement that they would begin development on the feature, but I would expect it to be released around the same time Icecrown is.
20 minute WSG timer is going to suck, but Im willing to bet it gets taken out soon enough.

Sign the petition :)
ooh good point forgot to even look if they decided to implement this in 3.2, anyone know?
Super said:
20 minute WSG timer is going to suck, but Im willing to bet it gets taken out soon enough.

Sign the petition :)

As was mentioned earlier, the 20 minute timer will be a great change in many ways. Primarily, the first flag cap will be as it always is with premades — once that flag is captured, however, it will be a game of controlling your flag and fighting as much as your heart desires while the timer ticks down.

Edit: Also, shorter games means more frequent queues. This should help alleviate the stress that queue separation is placing on xp-disabled Battlegrounds.

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