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  1. Whoa! Turtle on f2p?????

    Yes Lofi is a dedicated F2P player.
  2. starting to feel how stupid an idea this is

    Raku u bad where u at?
  3. Twink Names!

    :Alliance: - Huztler - Disc Priest - Aerie Peak US (I'm from EU)
  4. Thought this could be useful, [Damage Control] Achievement (For Warlocks & Hunters)

    Easy [Damage Control], and Millions of Healing Done in BG's For Pet classes Dunno if it would work with level 19 pets but should be worth trying to get that shiny achievement :cool:
  5. Lol @ HP

    character planner . lol@hp 2 -, that's max with all buffs for 3.3.5 patch. Without odd buffs that is. Else you can get over 50k.
  6. Break Time

    Yay kitty! gogo real life! luls, hopefully twinking will be revived with cataclysm! I'm planning of moving back to Terenas if non-end-game will be any good , Vindi is still playing but in the 60 bracket :P dunno if you're there to though :) Good luck! I quit recently waiting for Cata ...
  7. 3.3 Level 1 Twink server live!

    If there are mounts, no. Else, fine! But me want S1 and BT gear release on bloodlust first! =(
  8. What AddOns Are being used in this picture?

    Pitbull Unit frames. SexyMap Minimap. Bartender Action bars. SatrinaBuffFrame Buffs/debuffs. Recount Damage meter kgPanels backgrounds. Imo it doesn't look good but whatever floats your boat. Huz
  9. 3.3 Level 1 Twink server live!

    lol that jail place :D but how about if you unstuck from there? =) and doesn't wep skills bug out when you downlevel someone?
  10. Paladin.

    Obviously 1337 hp makes you alot better..