Whoa! Turtle on f2p?????

Yes Lofi is a dedicated F2P player.
With the diplomat title too? Epic. Friends in high places :) I wish I had a 2 seater mount on my main.

Do you know if Lofi is a TI member? please have them pm me


>Dedicated to steamroll

Volturi said:
How did he get that tabard on F2p?

That is a TBC rep tabard. We have access to burning crusade. Probably used his p2p acct to help farm the title. Great idea. I have ambassador already or I'd try to do the same
there is already a thread regarding turtle mount for f2p. 2 AP f2p now have the mount and more to come i'm sure :) Very nice to get it confirmed before going out to spend hours, days, weeks..

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