
Does this look any good?

character planner . healadin . chardev seven

The reason I put mp5 on Forest Buckler, is because I cba switching weapons all the time, so I'll stick to one set with weapons, for healing. I also liked my HP with it :p
I looked at it quickly 10/10

And, that's a forest buckler not a cracked buckler :)
Looks really nice :) Im allready guessing that you will have an extra 30 sp weapon to swap out, so i give you a 10/10 aswell.
Yeah you really want a 30 SP wep.
Xposure said:
Does this look any good?

character planner . healadin . chardev seven

The reason I put mp5 on Forest Buckler, is because I cba switching weapons all the time, so I'll stick to one set with weapons, for healing. I also liked my HP with it :p

Hmmmzz looks quite good but you should probably get Night Watch Sword or something with 22 int and pop 30 sp on that boa hammer, once you have used up the 250 int switch to the 30 sp hammer

If you don't mind losing the 12 stam you could maybe switch out Discerning Eye of the Beast with the agm

Use [item]Mystical Pauldrons of Elements[/item] and 100 hp to chest, you will gain 6 stam at the expense of zero stat loss.

Other than that it looks fine to me. I prefer using arctic in my chardevs and goldflecked gloves to get a wee bit more int and sp for minimal stama and armor loss, but defender are fine i spose :)
+15 SP to Bracers

Drop the Spidersilk Boots for Defenders Boots of the Eagle

Swap skinning for mining

+70 Armor to Back

+7 stam on Forest Buckler

Arctic Buckler with +4mp5

Armor iz best. Do what I said and you = the best geared holy pally possible; no discussion.
Agilitize said:
Hmmmzz looks quite good but you should probably get Night Watch Sword or something with 22 int and pop 30 sp on that boa hammer, once you have used up the 250 int switch to the 30 sp hammer

Would the BoA hammer from WG with 30 SP work?
Well Xposure, it is up to you. Do you want to have 1337HP or be a little bit better?
Obviously 1337 hp makes you alot better..
Well, I'll most likely always have some buffs, so I won't have 1337 hp for very long. As for the shoulders, I don't know, farming emblems is so boring :b the WG one isn't that bad, got some extra armor (and resilience if that matters), and looks a tad bit better imo :p

EDIT: Should I do what Llare told me to do? :d Forest buckler with mp5 was because I don't want to swap shields all the time, so should I use the one Arctic Buckler with mp5 in stead of the Forest Buckler?


Does this look any better?
I'd use spidersilk boots tbh. If youre worried about armor then use spidersilk and defender gaulntlets, but tbh you wont really miss the 2% if you use goldflecked and spidersilk imo.

Arctic is a better shield than forest, and just macro it onto you sp wep so you swap shields at the same time as you swap weapons. If you're not going to shield swap at all then the armour and stam and the wee bit of spirit from arctic are preferable imo.
Kore nametooshort said:
Arctic is a better shield than forest, and just macro it onto you sp wep so you swap shields at the same time as you swap weapons. If you're not going to shield swap at all then the armour and stam and the wee bit of spirit from arctic are preferable imo.

If you can't swap easily/always forget, do what most people are doing and chuck 7 stam on Arctic. As for armor, well i wuv it. I'd even drop 7stam8int belt for 4/4 eagle mail belt if i could find one. I ar armor addict.
Llare said:
If you can't swap easily/always forget, do what most people are doing and chuck 7 stam on Arctic. As for armor, well i wuv it. I'd even drop 7stam8int belt for 4/4 eagle mail belt if i could find one. I ar armor addict.

Well, in 3.3, you can probably find a 6/6 Eagle mail belt, so good news for you :) Anyway, I'm not 100% sure about the bracers enchant, 5 mp5 or 15 SP? :S

EDIT: With this + change to that 6/6 belt in 3.3, I'll have 1337 hp once again!!
well... there should be invoker/prophet gear too by the looks of it, even if it is a few armor lower those would be better.

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