starting to feel how stupid an idea this is


not only are we abusing the system to play for free while still twinking and gaining advantage over people who just started the game.

people are starting to roll 24 twinks and is re-creating the great image of twinking from before exp locks and is steam rolling everything making the beginners and the f2p twinks pissed off and that will ofcourse be whined about on the forums making blizzard love twinking even more.

very blizz-friendly
Turtlezyo said:
not only are we abusing the system to play for free while still twinking and gaining advantage over people who just started the game.

people are starting to roll 24 twinks and is re-creating the great image of twinking from before exp locks and is steam rolling everything making the beginners and the f2p twinks pissed off and that will ofcourse be whined about on the forums making blizzard love twinking even more.

very blizz-friendly

Yep you are right. it would make sense to have a level 20 bracket because it would pit (for the most part) beginners vs beginners. if there are P2P lev 20 twinks, then whatever it woukdnt be as ridiculous as a level 24 in there.
Turtlezyo said:
not only are we abusing the system to play for free while still twinking and gaining advantage over people who just started the game.

people are starting to roll 24 twinks and is re-creating the great image of twinking from before exp locks and is steam rolling everything making the beginners and the f2p twinks pissed off and that will ofcourse be whined about on the forums making blizzard love twinking even more.

very blizz-friendly

Yep, it's more twinks than you think aswell. Even if all from TI step out of it you would still have the other half around.

And I think blizzard will fix this sooner or later but we will enjoy it for some months atleast.
Finally someone understanding my point of view.
Huztler said:
Raku u bad where u at?

i am many places but mainly skype because it allows me to have video phonecalls with little girls

i didnt say a server name because i am scared the yellow names will smite me
bankbeauty said:
Finally someone understanding my point of view.

This was actually common sense to be honest. Sooner or later blizzard do something to this.

And your point of view was abit bigger than this, you had for example wrong about 24s owning everyone hard. Which didn't happen so much.
was mostly a whine post about so many dicks rolling 24 twinks only to shit on everything without any effort
Hiidden said:
This was actually common sense to be honest. Sooner or later blizzard do something to this.

And your point of view was abit bigger than this, you had for example wrong about 24s owning everyone hard. Which didn't happen so much.

I posted about the fact that everyone hated on everyone who rolled exp-on to faceroll noobs and that 20s twink were now doing the exact same thing, but no one were hating on them
Yeah soon there will be 24 hunters everywhere and I bet the f2p twinks will have to just do wargames on AP

Turtlezyo said:
was mostly a whine post about so many dicks rolling 24 twinks only to shit on everything without any effort

I disagree with that though, my 24 warrior (whos bis) is consistently getting killed by 4 or so competent alliance players. Still more OP than a 20 true, but i like to think my 24 helps balance the horde vs alliance a bit :3
What i dont get is why make a trail 20? Because every single soul who has, already is STILL PAYING for there acount. Why not just make a 24 or if your insistent, a 20, with the good gear that makes a twink a twink, not some pos.
Mnkey said:
What i dont get is why make a trail 20? Because every single soul who has, already is STILL PAYING for there acount. Why not just make a 24 or if your insistent, a 20, with the good gear that makes a twink a twink, not some pos.

it's more balanced bracket. Not balanced, but more balanced than fully boa geared + enchants.
Mnkey said:
What i dont get is why make a trail 20? Because every single soul who has, already is STILL PAYING for there acount. Why not just make a 24 or if your insistent, a 20, with the good gear that makes a twink a twink, not some pos.

pretty soon my monthly sub will be up, and ill f2p twink only. because i cant justify spending a monthly fee with the way 19s/29s are these days
new actual F2P accounts and all out new account type players have been getting farmed in BGs by BOA geared/enchanted players starting at level 10, so when they get capped at 20 imo, aren't necessarily getting farmed any worse. XP-on BGs has twinks that new account players must face if they choose to PVP for many levels. at 70 new account players buy the PVP gear, cause they learn about it. then you see BOA geared players complain because now they get owned.

as for horde....honestly most of you are picking alliance mostly due to gear and racials. the amount of HU rogues is pure LOL. along with other classes. it is funny to see those with avatar's claiming 20F2P balance, posting claims of balance rolling alliance

Rifle Commander's Eyepatch - Item - World of Warcraft

Ello's Band - Item - World of Warcraft

Bravo Company Signet - Item - World of Warcraft

2-3 pieces of alliance only gear and you are hit capped and not missing jack. horde in order to get some hit have to wear to subpar greens, even perhaps lower level weapons which will cause a huge a sacrifice in stats

Simple Pearl Ring - Item - World of Warcraft (have to learn JC to boot)

Gloves of Unmitigated Badassery - Item - World of Warcraft

Scrupleless Bracers - Item - World of Warcraft

19 is not class balanced....saying 20 is class balanced is a lie....class balance is messed up all the way to and including 85

BOAs and ability to faction swap have balanced 19's gear wise. can't do either on F2P ( helms)
Subpar said:
pretty soon my monthly sub will be up, and ill f2p twink only. because i cant justify spending a monthly fee with the way 19s/29s are these days


Was pretty close to having 19 twinks of every class to at least 90% of BiS, when Cataclysm made 4 classes viable, 2 passable, and the rest a joke (hunter, rogue, priest, paladin, mage, druid, warrior, shaman, warlock, respectively).

That shit they did with the talents, glyphs and spell levels, and the merging of stats took all the variety in how to play a class out of the game. No more frostbolt spamming CC frost mage with stam and int coming out the wazoo, but 0 spell power. No more AP stacking DoT hunter with damage to beat warlocks, and better utility too. No more insta GW earthbind spamming shammy FC. I made all those classes for variety, now everything is getting really samey.

Now if I want to pick talents it's pretty much one choice only, and you either get burst damage or burst healing. The game got dumbed down while the dev team got dumbed up with Goatballer in charge.

The one thing that kept me in the game was the twink community (most of you anyway ;), thankfully the worst jerks stuck in XP-on), and the hope we might finally get a break and be able to play games and rebuild to what things were like in TBC.

Only trouble is Blizz are so bipolar when it comes to quality of ideas they end up messing up any good ones they had (or rather implemented, many good ones are suggested to them by the players).

Their achievements (not in exact order, can't be bothered hunting through Blizzard's shitty half assed patch notes):

  • Leg armor, head libram and chest hp enchant nerf
  • XP lock
  • No queues for those who were kicked out for being OP, but weren't farming, while the farmers carry on as usual recycling in heirlooms.
  • Having to get an 80 and farm heirlooms to compete in XP-on / having to pay to realm transfer existing twinks / re-rolling on new realms after a ton of work elsewhere
  • Battlegroup merge (way too late).
  • Wargames.
  • Not working for twinks.
  • Rated BGs.
  • Only for endgame.
  • WSG GY f-ed up.
  • Removed Skirmishes.
  • Wargames and queues partially fixed
  • Rated BGs removed, retarded WSG GY change not reverted
  • Serious mental retardation of talents, glyphs and spells (dumbed down would be a huge understatement), and yet complete inability to achive balance with a more simple system, and fewer possible talent specs
  • Introducing F2P into the most f-ed up, neglected mess of levels in the game for PvP, while ensuring the rest of it is the same repetitive grind, now with added recycled content to make up for people getting through it too fast because it's dumbed down too much.

With more thumbs down than thumbs up they aren't earning what I'm paying, so I'm going F2P because at least then I'm getting my money's worth.
Mnkey said:
What i dont get is why make a trail 20? Because every single soul who has, already is STILL PAYING for there acount. Why not just make a 24 or if your insistent, a 20, with the good gear that makes a twink a twink, not some pos.

"why playing a twink with lvl xy if you can lvl to 85 and get EPIX!!!" and why you dont think trial lvl 20s arent twinks? if they play against each other they all can get the same gear etc

the only thing why this bracket is active cause of those trial ppl so if lvl 24s wanna pay money to blizz for beating lvl 20 who dont pay anything idc
shanker said:
as for horde....honestly most of you are picking alliance mostly due to gear and racials. the amount of HU rogues is pure LOL. along with other classes. it is funny to see those with avatar's claiming 20F2P balance, posting claims of balance rolling alliance

I was up against better geared players as Horde back in TBC, and I'm not going to crutch on gear when I can bust my ass on learning better tactics, team organisation, and tuning the crap out of my controls and interface for every last advantage instead.

When 49s were being put together after the battlegroup merge, I saw that fall apart, even after many 39s went up a bracket, and lots of people came over to re-roll. Horde got the numbers, Horde got together to do lots of skirmishes in arenas and got good at teamwork. They facerolled the few alliance who'd only been around for a short while, and didn't have the same level of gear, and without wargames BGs ended up not happening, and then skirmishes weren't enough to keep it running any more. Thing is they had Alliance alts, they just chose to play their better geared Horde characters instead.

I'm hoping working Wargames will fix that problem, and at least with easier gearing and it not costing to make characters, we can hopefully play both factions. It would be nice if everyone starts off with the less represented side, and then alternated what they roll to make sure they have the options. Gear could always change to favor the other faction in the future, and it pays to be prepared for that.

BOAs and ability to faction swap have balanced 19's gear wise.

At a price, namely the time needed to get an endgame char that can get herlooms from their guild, or from farming instances/PvP, or the faction change charges.
Jángo said:
"why playing a twink with lvl xy if you can lvl to 85 and get EPIX!!!"

I played at 70 for epics, I played at 80 for epics, and I played at 85 for epics and thought 'fuck it'.

I don't want go out and do some boring shit, just to do the interesting new stuff every few months, because there's some new raid or arena season to work towards.

It's not like Blizzard add new BGs or arenas that often, and they're really getting fond of recycling their old raids and dungeons too.
pereith said:
I played at 70 for epics, I played at 80 for epics, and I played at 85 for epics and thought 'fuck it'.

I don't want go out and do some boring shit, just to do the interesting new stuff every few months, because there's some new raid or arena season to work towards.

It's not like Blizzard add new BGs or arenas that often, and they're really getting fond of recycling their old raids and dungeons too.

did you read what i quoted? if not i tell you that "why playing a twink with lvl xy if you can lvl to 85 and get EPIX!!!" wasnt serious

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