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  1. Youplayin

    US Banning Double Shaman

    Let's ban using a keyboard and mouse. All TC players must use a Xbox controller
  2. Youplayin

    US To our Dearest Community Leaders, Members, and F*ckboys alike

    This thread has convinced me to be an even bigger fuckboy thx
  3. Youplayin

    EU+US Least Respectable Class?

    0 votes for shaman
  4. Youplayin

    EU+US Least Respectable Class?

  5. Youplayin

    US Should the Cup be renamed?

    Skill ratio cup
  6. Youplayin

    election season who you got? "Over a few incidents"
  7. Youplayin

    election season who you got?

    They're turning sweden into a 3rd world country. Germany is getting torn apart by them too and now people want them into the US??? Does anyone remember what happened in Paris or is it just me?
  8. Youplayin

    election season who you got?

    The only thing Hillary is going to win this year
  9. Youplayin

    election season who you got?

  10. Youplayin

    election season who you got?

    Not even playin
  11. Youplayin

    US Original from 19 bought a pilot.

    you got any nostalrius bots?
  12. Youplayin

    US Original from 19 bought a pilot.

    Reported to Nintendo for piloting enjoy ur ban :^)
  13. Youplayin

    US A Major Activity Push

  14. Youplayin

    US Thoughts.

    people using buffs = literally hitler?
  15. Youplayin

    EU+US armory lists

    Yeah there's a couple fairly active ally guilds on BH. Horde side is poppin way more though
  16. Youplayin

    EU+US armory lists Think my warrior is worthy