EU+US Least Respectable Class?

Least Respectable Class?

  • Druid

  • Monk

  • Paladin

  • Warrior

  • Rogue

  • Hunter

  • Priest

  • Mage

  • Warlock

  • Shaman

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What do you think? I'd say rogues are overall since they have such a single minded style of gameplay and the least amount of versatility, not to mention a large portion of the twink pop. plays these because of how mindless it is to ambush for big numbers. Hunters are definitely a close second since they're much along the same lines just with a gun / bow instead of daggers.

But all brews / ferals are also dogshit... sooo
lol all the hate on rogues yet some classes are way more op
It's not about how op other classes are in comparison to rogues, it's about how mindless rogues are to play. The class is based around doing as much damage as possible with a single ability.

Even tho they are extremely mongoloid to play they have been griefing bgs daily since 2005( a guide is coming for that).

Seriosly fuck every stealthed shitter that has ever griefied bgs directly or indirectly( by taking 23842834783282473 hours to learn the mongoloid class, by being useless, etc).
And I miss 20-24, but what can ya do?

Rag on rogues for being a shitty class, other than that not much.

p.s. Visual is a noob.

p.p.s. About half the bracket plays stealthies, and there IS a reason for it... *cough* FB / Ambush is faceroll *cough*
Thread title is "Least Respectable Class".

All i see are people bitching about a classes main damage dealing ability which many other ranged classes can use without having a restealth requirement. If Ambush doesn't one shot you, then stop being a little bitch. If it does, stop being a lazy bitch and gear up.

Least respectable class would be druid. If Blizzard suddenly decided to disable macros every single druid in existence whether they are good or not would instantly become utter trash. You'd have to manually power shift and you'd have to keybind every form, you couldn't just spam one button for travel form outside/cat inside. You'd also have to key bind every ability for every form separately. You want to press the 1 key to use mangle in bear form, moonfire in boomkin, rake in cat form and auto prowl in no form? Too bad shitter, try again.

The definition of respectable is something that is socially proper and of good intention. How is being a resto druid FC to avoid penalties from holding the flag respectable? How is using terrain exploits which other classes simply cannot do because they don't have the necessary movement speed while in combat respectable?

Twinking has always been about unfair advantage but the community has always shared knowledge on new enchants or simply gone out of their way to not queue into non-twinked characters (unlike vanilla/tbc era, get rekt 600 hp noobs). Everything a druid does goes against being respectable. And what did you really expect from some dirty animal loving furfags?
Thread title is "Least Respectable Class".

All i see are people bitching about a classes main damage dealing ability which many other ranged classes can use without having a restealth requirement. If Ambush doesn't one shot you, then stop being a little bitch. If it does, stop being a lazy bitch and gear up.

Least respectable class would be druid. If Blizzard suddenly decided to disable macros every single druid in existence whether they are good or not would instantly become utter trash. You'd have to manually power shift and you'd have to keybind every form, you couldn't just spam one button for travel form outside/cat inside. You'd also have to key bind every ability for every form separately. You want to press the 1 key to use mangle in bear form, moonfire in boomkin, rake in cat form and auto prowl in no form? Too bad shitter, try again.

The definition of respectable is something that is socially proper and of good intention. How is being a resto druid FC to avoid penalties from holding the flag respectable? How is using terrain exploits which other classes simply cannot do because they don't have the necessary movement speed while in combat respectable?

tinkering has always been about unfair advantage but the community has always shared knowledge on new enchants or simply gone out of their way to not queue into non-tinksed characters (unlike vanilla/tbc era, get rekt 600 hp noobs). Everything a druid does goes against being respectable. And what did you really expect from some dirty animal loving furfags?
Haha how retarded can you be? You are the gm of outland outlawz aka gypsies with guns a bunch of plebs. That you see ferals from your guild each day just makes that post so ironic, and you main a bm monk so please move into the closest trash can ty :^)
I got 0 respect for BM monks.

Especially when they queue double bm to get high rating :)
not so much the issue of what you play rather than what you wearing.
any enchanted 29 class is fueled by pug grief and has nothing close with bringing quality to the game.

so you rather should ask: what kind of people you leas respect in game.
That would be that type of people.
Usually their need for grief comes from wearing name tag to work and paying game in hallway.
Y no one said disc priest?

Jk anyone can be respectable while playing any class its what you do with it that is not respectable.
Thread title is "Least Respectable Class".

All i see are people bitching about a classes main damage dealing ability which many other ranged classes can use without having a restealth requirement. If Ambush doesn't one shot you, then stop being a little bitch. If it does, stop being a lazy bitch and gear up.

Least respectable class would be druid. If Blizzard suddenly decided to disable macros every single druid in existence whether they are good or not would instantly become utter trash. You'd have to manually power shift and you'd have to keybind every form, you couldn't just spam one button for travel form outside/cat inside. You'd also have to key bind every ability for every form separately. You want to press the 1 key to use mangle in bear form, moonfire in boomkin, rake in cat form and auto prowl in no form? Too bad shitter, try again.

The definition of respectable is something that is socially proper and of good intention. How is being a resto druid FC to avoid penalties from holding the flag respectable? How is using terrain exploits which other classes simply cannot do because they don't have the necessary movement speed while in combat respectable?

tinkering has always been about unfair advantage but the community has always shared knowledge on new enchants or simply gone out of their way to not queue into non-tinksed characters (unlike vanilla/tbc era, get rekt 600 hp noobs). Everything a druid does goes against being respectable. And what did you really expect from some dirty animal loving furfags?
Ur main twink is a BM monk and you talk about respect lol + as slack already said you que 2x BM in arena's.
Thread title is "Least Respectable Class".

All i see are people bitching about a classes main damage dealing ability which many other ranged classes can use without having a restealth requirement. If Ambush doesn't one shot you, then stop being a little bitch. If it does, stop being a lazy bitch and gear up.

Least respectable class would be druid. If Blizzard suddenly decided to disable macros every single druid in existence whether they are good or not would instantly become utter trash. You'd have to manually power shift and you'd have to keybind every form, you couldn't just spam one button for travel form outside/cat inside. You'd also have to key bind every ability for every form separately. You want to press the 1 key to use mangle in bear form, moonfire in boomkin, rake in cat form and auto prowl in no form? Too bad shitter, try again.

The definition of respectable is something that is socially proper and of good intention. How is being a resto druid FC to avoid penalties from holding the flag respectable? How is using terrain exploits which other classes simply cannot do because they don't have the necessary movement speed while in combat respectable?

tinkering has always been about unfair advantage but the community has always shared knowledge on new enchants or simply gone out of their way to not queue into non-tinksed characters (unlike vanilla/tbc era, get rekt 600 hp noobs). Everything a druid does goes against being respectable. And what did you really expect from some dirty animal loving furfags?
What do you think? I'd say rogues are overall since they have such a single minded style of gameplay and the least amount of versatility, not to mention a large portion of the tink pop. plays these because of how mindless it is to ambush for big numbers. Hunters are definitely a close second since they're much along the same lines just with a gun / bow instead of daggers.

But all brews / ferals are also dogshit... sooo

HAHA, I Chose hunters, because in the 19 bracket, i find them one of the hardest class to 1v1 with a melee class. They also require little skill in bgs and in execution of their abilities, its the only class that can, in the 19 bracket, continuously cast and move (with great mobility), doing a high amount of damage.
HAHA, I Chose hunters, because in the 19 bracket, i find them one of the hardest class to 1v1 with a melee class. They also require little skill in bgs and in execution of their abilities, its the only class that can, in the 19 bracket, continuously cast and move (with great mobility), doing a high amount of damage.

Yeah MM hunters are pretty much retarded, aimed shot does more than ambush even and can do pretty close to ferocious bites damage + it's a spammable cast.

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