election season who you got?

who u got

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 32 45.7%
  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 4 5.7%
  • Bernie Sanders

    Votes: 32 45.7%
  • None of the Above

    Votes: 8 11.4%

  • Total voters
I didn't say anything, I just wanted you to clarify.. let me know if you aren't mad/preachy a f and maybe we can talk eye to eye about something

I just have the simple problem of idiotic people putting stereotypes on groups of people for the 0.00000000001 of that group that have done something wrong.
you're 25, not 40
I'm not the person I was at 18, but I can see who I was when I was 18 by watching others. I'm sure the same will happen when I'm 40, I'll see others that were like me when I was 25. It's a nifty process!
Anyway, banning muslims seems pretty drastic.
There's no way Trump will actually get into office lmao, sorry to kill the dreams
Guess I'll start. I'm actually rooting for Sanders, and would vote for him over Trump or Clinton, but no one is perfect.

Actual problems with Sanders:

International policy is not his strong suit, when the US are in their position of controlling so much of the world's security, their President should have a strong sense of foreign policy. Sanders is far weaker than Trump or Clinton in this, experience wise.

His economic plans attack the 1%, the people that control the country. How is he going to pass any laws when the government plays "the game"? Spoiler: It's gunna be a big struggle. This ain't Vermont anymore, this is the big leagues, a whole new ball game, and one I don't feel Bernie understands as much as the other candidates. Lots of growing pains for an old man. He will need to fight hard to get even one of his plans to come 1/2 way in 4 years.

If Sander's plans do come to fruition, where does the money come from? Free college and universal healthcare are very significant proposals with a heavy price tag. Putting more control into the gov't isn't every American's best interest. And with the previous point, it ain't just gunna come from the 1%, sorry.

These were just off the top of my head, I don't consider myself the Abraham Lincoln of politics (anything but), but it shouldn't be too hard to figure out some side effects to the Sanders medication.
im not even American and I've read pretty heavily into both sides and Trump having any sort of power seems like a really bad joke that's gone on too long. The prospect of him in power scares the absolute shit out of me

Have you read into Sanders? You know the reason he getting so much traction is because he wants to change everything? You've probably fallen into the trap of believing all the shit trump spouts out his mouth about Sanders (all of his claims have been proved incredibly false)

Yea, but I have trouble seeing him actually make changes with what will probably be a republican-dominated congress. More of the status quo. I actually don't really care much either way, especially since I don't even live in America, but Trump definitely has those entertainment and surprise factors going.
I think the biggest problem with Sanders is the mentality of America. His ideology works, Scandinavia is a good example. But if the people are not willing to open their eyes to it, it won't do no good
I think the biggest problem with Sanders is the mentality of America. His ideology works, Scandinavia is a good example. But if the people are not willing to open their eyes to it, it won't do no good
do you know why mathematics and engineering are two completely different fields? math is an ideology. engineering is application. everyone "knows" mathematics... it is beautiful, perfect, and almost artistic. but engineering is much more messy. engineers are always communicating all of the various issues of their applications, the constraints and imperfections. think of politics the same way, and perhaps my point of view will become clearer to you. politics is messy.
Hilary is easily the most qualified candidate to win as she has the most political experience in a position that is relevant to the office, but Sanders also is legit. Trump.... oh I could go on for hours about the sick crap he regurgitates from his face.
I'm sorry. But Hillary is a fake-ass bitch. I don't know why in the world anybody believes she's leader material.
On the other-hand...

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