Search results

  1. Please Delete this thread for me

    I'm down. Any of these toons would be fine. Ally: MW Monk Boomy Horde: Hunter Warrior.
  2. Wargame 27/2/16

    What day would this be? I wouldn't mind being Ally boomy or MW Monk. Depending on day/time.
  3. 3v3 Tourny Tonight!

    TI is a joke now. The fact you guys haven't noticed that is funny to me. Stop preaching about random shit.
  4. 70 Twink Guild ( Kel'Thuzad Alliance)

    It's funny I ran past you today in SW and was going to ask you about theverything guild and 70s. My account ran out today though am I'm not sure when I'll be reactivating. But when I do, if bgs/arenas pop I'd be willing to look more into it.
  5. Rumors

    Damn son.
  6. We need a active Bracket manager!

    Both you and James is ugly as fuck homie. A mouse that got ran over by a train looks better than you two combined. Get over it, God made ugly people for a reason. Embrace your ugly-ness and sprout your wings and you fly little turtle dove.
  7. This is an @thread

    I approve of this message. #WHUDATRUMP2016
  8. We need a active Bracket manager!

    This is a thread for the mentally unstable to get their post count higher. Nothing more. Thanks for my +1.
  9. Can we talk about this?

    This is just laughable. All of you non premading shit talkers who have no real worthy input just make posts like it's your job. Just simply pathetic on your guys part.
  10. Pre-Game day stream <TeT> v.s. <FC>

    Whudamist/Whudasurge I'll be streaming today on and off, and tonight as well. MW/Boomy PoV
  11. Ya know

    That would imply that I need to prove anything to you, which I do not. Seeing as how I don't know, nor care who your are. And thus making you just a TI name and not a Character ingame.
  12. Best Efc Killers?

    You measure mine, I'll measure yours?
  13. Best Efc Killers?

    Ambush -> SS -> SS -> Evis Rake - Shred- Shred- FB 4 spells each.
  14. Best Efc Killers?

    We aren't counting ferals. And yes, ferals and rogues are the easiest class to kill an efc with. Are you new?
  15. Best Efc Killers?

    I second this. All of you are just saying names of rogues. The easiest class to kill an efc, and even easier with stacks. Lol praise the easy, makes sense.
  16. Recovered my ORIGINAL HUNTER :)

    I had fun looking at all my old toons too. Skullbreakers, tiger hunters, everything. So beautiful. Reminds me when twinking was real.
  17. Mercenary Mode

    Actually. Pretty sure if you read the patch notes. Next patch you can fly in WoD. Just saying.
  18. 20-29 Twink Cup Rules/Registration Thread

    Exactly. Thank you. See , I like you. We should play together sometime.
  19. 20-29 Twink Cup Rules/Registration Thread

    Clearly you're an idiot. I was stating that the fact that it takes a Prize to get people to try to get a group together is a joke. Show me a recent 10v10 in the bracket. That actually made any impact or anyone remembers? Exactly, in order for a tourney to even be in the question there has to be...
  20. 20-29 Twink Cup Rules/Registration Thread

    This is soo funny to me. All of these people spamming "Prizes", "No reason to play without prizes", "Whats the prize?". First of all, if you need a "prize" tin order to schedule a 10v10 with another guild, you are a skill-less player with a skill-less guild. Kind of pathetic that all of you...