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  1. Bro Beans

    Battlechest £4

  2. Bro Beans

    twink 90's are in their own XP-off bracket

    What's new?
  3. Bro Beans

    Item Scaling

    What is this thread for? Lvl 20? 24? 20-28? The scaling varies so much it's going to be nearly impossible to identify the scaled stats of every single item. Rude Maybe it's your attitude. Just an observation from reading your posts.
  4. Bro Beans

    Affli Lock Guild Names.

    Are you high?
  5. Bro Beans

    Thoughts on Overwatch?

    I would like to see customizable hats in Overwatch. Just so they leave TF2 with nothing exclusive :p
  6. Bro Beans

    Twisting Nether Alliance!

    Hi, do you have an idea where the biggest collection of Ally players are? I have tried Spinebreaker but it's not very active these days
  7. Bro Beans

    Rahbek WoWGaming vs Gurubashi Surf Club

    I see no stream links here. Did anyone record it?
  8. Bro Beans

    Somalian pirate crew

    Consider a change of name. SPC tag is like wearing an I'm with stupid Tshirt
  9. Bro Beans

    A Penny For My Thoughts

    I understand that OP wants to sell his items for higher prices but he can't because people are selling them for their actual worth. They're not even worth 20k anymore tbh
  10. Bro Beans

    Not here, but still caring.

    You have quite a way with words, Mr. Quack
  11. Bro Beans

    Hello to all the twinks.

    Greetings wanderer
  12. Bro Beans

    Hello everyone

    Hail to the hell cow