Rahbek WoWGaming vs Gurubashi Surf Club

Team has changed a bit in 29s, hopefully you'll like it.

However due ot the WSG Bug with GY's it seems we'll be doing GIlneas instead.

The team at 24 was extremely unusual almost 50% unheard of names.

Anyone got a link to a stream?
we will be playing WSG regardless of the bug and just see what happens.
Well that was anti climatic. Tried to ask Rahbek's team to go alliance so we'd have the disadvantage in warsong gulch, they said no.
Thanks anyway for the games, good to see more guilds playing
Screenshot from the Gilneas Game:
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Gratz I think? Not really sure what happened. The gilneas looked problemfree at least. Way to go GSC! :)
GG's to rehbak.

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