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  1. Defias Set Under An Hour! (glitch)

    Lol, nice trick, thank you, Lenny. Btw its possible to use the goblin teleport back to the mast room, that way you are at the spawn point few secs before overseer :-P *cpt. obvious flies away*
  2. GW2 went f2p!

    EU, Aurora Glade.
  3. GW2 went f2p!

    So Im lvl 22 human mesmer and while I have no idea what Im doing, I really like it :-D So far it seems way more fun than WoW. Thanks, OP :)
  4. WoD 10 Day Trials for Old P2P Accounts

    no you cant, it stops when youre 1 exp away from lvl up. you can lvl your slaves in garrison tho :-D
  5. Solutions for a balanced bracket

    why do you want to nerf ret's dmg? its actually not that high compared to other classes. problem are BiS heals while not really running oom. its not like rets hit like a truck...
  6. WoD 10 Day Trials for Old P2P Accounts

    yes, you can. garrisons are kinda fun, its similar to your own ship in KotOR or Mass Effect - building crew and shit. im just sad that they were so inspired by those fucking facebook games that they copied them (send slaves on mission and wait 1 hour) but here it doesnt make you pay for faster...
  7. p2ps can now invite f2ps crossrealm(not only your own f2ps)

    huh, interesting, i tried it a week ago and it didnt work. tried only once tho. anyway, if this is the case, im really happy i finished my 2nd agm today :-D
  8. Vent Your Frustrations II

    i was really frustrated in gurubashi today. i was getting ready to start grinding my second AGM when suddenly wild hunter appeared. well, poor thing thought he could kill me. he couldnt, but it took me some time to take him down and meanwhile fucking lvl 3 stole the trinket cuz i was too...
  9. Usefulness of AGM

    its ilvl 55, i dont think it scales :) anyway, i really like it, gives me some time when im too brave and dont heal in time :-D
  10. How's Everyone Liking WoD?

    I play ret pally ( not because he's strong right now, I have played pally with 2handed weapon since I'd discovered Holy Avenger Carsomyr in Baldur's Gate II :-D) so I really like the changes :-P only problem are those pesky ferals, really, they're WoD's hunters. Arenas are awesome, never played...
  11. Loot Verification Thread it's a monk on f2p acc with the axe. proved enough? :-D
  12. Loot Verification Thread

    AXe of the Enforcer does drop, i have it on my f2p monk. first bfd run :-P
  13. EU+US Gear Scaling Index

    well, you get more from haste, crit etc. on lower lvls, right? i dont know if there is much (if any) difference in this aspect between 28 and 29 though :( just writing here because im bored and cant log in because... well, fuck blizzard, thats why :(
  14. EU+US Gear Scaling Index

    Axe of the Enforcer: 21 - 41 damage (11.92 dps) 5 agi 4 sta. also still really ugly, even after scaling :-P
  15. F2P Retribution Paladin Guide! ~ Neon

    First, let me thank you for this guide. I've played paladin with 2-handed weapon since Baldur's Gate 2 so when I started with WoW last Friday, retardin was the way to go. It kinda seems to me that you have to be lucky as hell to kill even a critter but at least it's a challenge, not like those...