F2P Retribution Paladin Guide! ~ Neon

Call me crazy, but I use Drakewing Bands to hit cap . Yeah, I lose some armor by using leather, but the extra hit allows me use Foreman's Leggings (and not Dividend Leggings) and still stay capped.

I haven't done the math recently, but I think this setup allows for the most strength, using standard gear (not gimping any other stat especially hard). And ofc, I have to use a slightly different setup for arenas. Please let me know if this doesn't make sense. If it does, however, perhaps you may want to add it to the bracer section.

My pally (hit scales up to 15 in bgs)

Will add this, and need to add that one hit ring with strength.
First, let me thank you for this guide. I've played paladin with 2-handed weapon since Baldur's Gate 2 so when I started with WoW last Friday, retardin was the way to go. It kinda seems to me that you have to be lucky as hell to kill even a critter but at least it's a challenge, not like those pesky hunters. Anyway, I wanted to ask what you think about Stockade Pauldrons as they are never mentioned in your guide. Worth it or not? Also, is Agility any good? It seems to me that it's not, not for paladin anyway. Right now I'm heroically dying with Sentinel's Medallion. But when I equip/unequip it, my crit chance doesn't change at all. Is there a cap I have to reach for Agi to have any effect or is it just utterly useless?
Anyway, I wanted to ask what you think about Stockade Pauldrons as they are never mentioned in your guide. Worth it or not? Also, is Agility any good? It seems to me that it's not, not for paladin anyway. Right now I'm heroically dying with Sentinel's Medallion. But when I equip/unequip it, my crit chance doesn't change at all. Is there a cap I have to reach for Agi to have any effect or is it just utterly useless?

Choosing Stockade Pauldrons isn't worth losing the crit from the JP shoulders. If you've amassed a bunch of honor and are looking to buy them (as I foolishly did a looong time ago), resist the urge and keep farming enough for the Polished shoulders. Agility will really do nothing for you; if you want better results you'll need to grind out those jewelcrafting neck pieces.
I was glancing through this tread and wondering why engineering isn't suggested as a profession so you could make Goblin Mining Helmet for head slot? It's mail with a huge stam for lv 20. I'm pretty sure you can get skill to 205 at level 20.

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