Solutions for a balanced bracket


born good
Here are some ideas that I think could really help out the f2ps.

1. Higher health pools IMO is what makes healers OP, while the overall damage has been remained the same or has become worse. So either damage needs to be increased a tad bit or health pools need to be a little lower.

2. I think everyone can agree with me that Hybrid classes have become a huge problem for this bracket. The best solution IMO is not to get rid of their heals but maybe there heals could have a CD (this would not be implemented for people who are actual healers.)

Before you guys start accusing me of being a jelous hunter who wants revenge of not being OP anymore, I will tell you a story of my f2p life. I first started playing WoW in late WoTLK. My good friend from school introduced me to WoW and told me that I could make a trial account. So I decided to try out the game and I randomly chose to play hunter (PLEASE NOTE AT THIS TIME I HAD NO IDEA HUNTERS WERE OP, IT WAS MY FIRST TIME PLAYING WoW). While leveling my hunter to level 20 I had really enjoyed WoW but I did not pay for the game since my family was going through a stuggle and had problems with each other. Then in mid-cata I was told that trials have become permanent and I started making f2p friends who taught me how to twink and I fell in love with the twinking idea. And the day I learned how to twink I made a pledge that my hunter would be my "Main Dog" no matter if they were tottaly terrible or OP. So from my story I wanted to show you guys that not all hunters are OP bastards but otherwise will play the class even if they are not OP.

Anyways discuss your ideas that could make the bracket more balanced.
Somehow compensate for the gap in spells and a glyph 29s have , maybe increase scaling on gear further more. 29s are still really strong. Nerf cat form damage. Nerf rend. Give arms something to spend rage on. Nerf hybrid healing. Buff frost mage, enhancement, elemental shamans, damage. And maybe nerf that succubus seduction.
The issues in 20-29 are pretty similar to the issues at end game. Ret and Feral, are really, really strong—all melee really.
all hybrids need a heal nerf..
feral:big nerf to shred/FB dmg, buff bleed dmg
ret: nerf dmg
warr: nerf rend
monk: nerf fists of fury dmg and BM monk dmg(its a tank, same with guardian dmg)
huntards could need a dmg nerf aswell but since dmg is all they have now its kinda okay
1. Higher health pools are not the issue. DPS just got used to globaling all classes. Now that were don't have resisilence, DPS should be doing a larger percentage of total health damage. However fatigue was removed. Crits are 150% instead of 200%. DPS just has to work harder at killing someone now. Or better yet, work together at killing a healer. /GASP!

2. Some heals do have CDs attached. If we were to attach CDs to every heal, then every DPS ability would have to have a CD. Now, that would not be very much fun, would it?


Level 20 death knights to increase class diversity

Make all players from the spanish realms undertake and complete a mandatory class instructive mini-game before entering a BG (game guides them through killing special player-like NPCs by explaining what abilities to use at different times)

I suppose 10 classes and 31 specs are not enough diversity for you.

Why just players from Spanish speaking realms? Why not players from ALL realms? A little prejudice?...
Somehow compensate for the gap in spells and a glyph 29s have , maybe increase scaling on gear further more. 29s are still really strong. Nerf cat form damage. Nerf rend. Give arms something to spend rage on. Nerf hybrid healing. Buff frost mage, enhancement, elemental shamans, damage. And maybe nerf that succubus seduction.

Scaling is better than it has been in ten years. The bracket is healthier than I has been, EVER. Yet people want more.
Scaling is better than it has been in ten years. The bracket is healthier than I has been, EVER. Yet people want more.

I 100% agree with this, I'm really happy what blizzard has done for us and I'll take it. Some instances the 29s are just too much for us, or they are playing a really op class, but the same can go for a level 20 with BiS gear playing an OP class
How much does it hit for vs cast time and ember regeneration? Have only played aff so far at low lvls

Now to the insane number crunch. My chaos bolt takes ~3 seconds to cast and crits for 8-900 and the reason it's over powered is because it ALWAYS critt! If the damage got reduced to 4-500 damage I think the chaos bolt would be balanced. Oh and you have to cast 6-7 incenerates first for 1 chaos bolt iirc.
Now to the insane number crunch. My chaos bolt takes ~3 seconds to cast and crits for 8-900 and the reason it's over powered is because it ALWAYS critt! If the damage got reduced to 4-500 damage I think the chaos bolt would be balanced. Oh and you have to cast 6-7 incenerates first for 1 chaos bolt iirc.

It's weak at endgame Atm so I doubt they will nerf it, but with the cast time and somewhat crappy regeneration I don't rlly see it being that op? Most ppl can backpedal los it anyway? Unless you get a fear to stick and target don't los anyway.. but then again I haven't tried yet iirc, Gonna try it and see :) unless queues are still ~1hour?
why do you want to nerf ret's dmg? its actually not that high compared to other classes. problem are BiS heals while not really running oom. its not like rets hit like a truck...
ret doesnt hit "like a truck" (like FB from a feral) but rets have the highest sustainable dmg combined with incredible strong heals.. the reason rets got very strong heals in cata to mop was because they didnt have this high dmg(except every x minutes with all cds)
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ret doesnt hit "like a truck" (like FB from a feral) but rets have the highest sustainable dmg combined with incredible strong heals.. the reason rets got very strong heals in cata to mop was because they didnt have this high dmg(except every x minutes with all cds)

I'd say that Ret needs their healing tuned down by 10-15%. They still OOM fairly quickly, and bringing them down by that factor would put them on par with Enhancement off-healing.

Ferals need Savage Roar to be nerfed, and I think that's pretty much it. +20% damage (from 40%) would probably solve the problems that stem from Feral druids - to be safe, Ferocious Bite could be nerfed by 10% across all specializations so you don't see Rdruids prepping 1800 crit bites.

Arms needs to be nerfed as well, but it's kind of hard to effectively take them down without removing all of their viability. Something like 5% less damage on Rend (which is easily 70% of their damage done) and 10% less damage on finales would bring them in line with other classes.

Oh - and remove that damned Succubus exploit. *gnashing teeth*
Here are some ideas that I think could really help out the f2ps.

1. Higher health pools IMO is what makes healers OP, while the overall damage has been remained the same or has become worse. So either damage needs to be increased a tad bit or health pools need to be a little lower.

2. I think everyone can agree with me that Hybrid classes have become a huge problem for this bracket. The best solution IMO is not to get rid of their heals but maybe there heals could have a CD (this would not be implemented for people who are actual healers.)

Before you guys start accusing me of being a jelous hunter who wants revenge of not being OP anymore, I will tell you a story of my f2p life. I first started playing WoW in late WoTLK. My good friend from school introduced me to WoW and told me that I could make a trial account. So I decided to try out the game and I randomly chose to play hunter (PLEASE NOTE AT THIS TIME I HAD NO IDEA HUNTERS WERE OP, IT WAS MY FIRST TIME PLAYING WoW). While leveling my hunter to level 20 I had really enjoyed WoW but I did not pay for the game since my family was going through a stuggle and had problems with each other. Then in mid-cata I was told that trials have become permanent and I started making f2p friends who taught me how to twink and I fell in love with the twinking idea. And the day I learned how to twink I made a pledge that my hunter would be my "Main Dog" no matter if they were tottaly terrible or OP. So from my story I wanted to show you guys that not all hunters are OP bastards but otherwise will play the class even if they are not OP.

Anyways discuss your ideas that could make the bracket more balanced.

1. Health pools were increased to compensate for having zero base resilience. Damage was toned down to be more in line with what World of Warcraft combat is intended to be.

2. Hybrids have healing buttons because they are intended to be able to heal themselves and others in combat. Their heals are finite and you should be able to coordinate with your team to kill them. If you want to be able to 1v1 a hybrid or a healer, well you've picked the wrong game.
1. Ferals need huge nerfs. Mangle damage needs to be dropped 20%, FB needs to be dropped 30%, Rake should not stun if fucking ROGUES don't even get a stun out of their opener. Nothing like eating the only opener stun in the bracket, getting hit by the hardest hitting spammable damage in the bracket (Mangle) into the hardest hitting ability in the bracket (Ferocious Bite). And they can run away, instant root, heal themselves... on and on and on.

2. Rend needs a nerf, white damage on warriors needs to be dropped 20% (200-400 white hits).

3. HPal and RDruid healing needs to be stronger. HPal especially. WoG is 100% useless. Ret is a better healer at this point..

4. Warlocks and Mages are the only two classes with any form of spammable CC. The two of them together are basically unstoppable unless you one shot one of their team with a feral or ret/warrior or something. Warlocks have 2 CC's to most of the brackets 0. That's just dumb. Add in belf versions of these and the team stacks up 6 CC's to most teams having maybe 1-2. Either everyone should have some form of CC or no one should.

5. MOST IMPORTANTLY: F2P need to learn to stop being scum and rolling only the most OP shit. Lil and I are the only big name hunters that I see still consistently playing our hunters. The rest of you play rets, ferals, monks and warriors. You can't bitch about 29s if that's all you do. Arena games would be a lot better if everyone wasn't an OP as hell spec.

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