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  1. Devan12321

    Gimme battletags for bgs/wpvp

  2. Devan12321

    GF'd items for trade/sale

  3. Devan12321

    GF'd items for trade/sale

    Looking to sell/Trade the following GF'd items on Misha, wasn't sure where to post this. 111 Explosive Rockets, 2 Magic Candles, 1 Keen Machete 2 Sqealer's Belts have these items, and don't need them, thought someone could use them better than me.
  4. Devan12321

    GF'd items on Misha!

    Did not know that! thank you very much!
  5. Devan12321

    GF'd items on Misha!

    Looking to sell/Trade the following GF'd items on Misha, wasn't sure where to post this. 111 Explosive Rockets, 2 Magic Candles, 1 Keen Machete 2 Sqealer's Belts 2 Blackened Defias Leggings have these items, and don't need them, thought someone could use them better than me.
  6. Devan12321

    10's Consumables, Buffs and Whatnots

    Strider stew for 4 stam 4 spirit! super cheap as well! if you go to the related, there's a bunch more like that. fantastic food buff if you don't have the quest items! Strider Stew - Item - World of Warcraft
  7. Devan12321

    10's Consumables, Buffs and Whatnots

    Fantastic list. also sorry for the double post, page refreshed and didn't see it posted on my screen. Party foul.... lol
  8. Devan12321

    New Guild! (Alliance)

    Hello everyone :) I am new here, so first, hello! hope I fit in! I have started a guild on the server Misha , which is linked with Rexxar. The guild is named Frozen Levels, any level twinks can join, but we focus on LVL 10! I have been twinking characters for a long time, and hope to help...
  9. Devan12321

    The queue thread!

    would this be in 30 minutes? what time zone?! lol
  10. Devan12321

    Skirmishes Confirmed for Level 10s +

    such excitement!!!
  11. Devan12321

    Hotshots Farming

    141th. why does this bother me so much... lol Good luck!! :D
  12. Devan12321

    Deadmines Haste Food Cookie Kill

    what is the pipes on your characters back?!
  13. Devan12321

    Buying Squealer's Belts!

    Is there a post that people can post what they are selling and on what servers? that would make it a lot easier to find things.
  14. Devan12321

    Winner of the F2P service/shop Giveaway!

  15. Devan12321

    I'm a little bit new.Need a few advices.

    This is completely up to you! Most Twink brackets are fun, regardless of whether or not you can PvP in battlegrounds, the enjoyment is from playing the game. Try to find some good friends that will play Twink characters with you, I find the bigger the group on the server, the more the community...
  16. Devan12321

    Whats your favorite TWINKING class?

    I feel there is many more players that get enjoyment out of the harder to play classes than the ones that can just steamroll over opponents. I like the classes that aren't too overpowered, but still have a small kick to them, or tricks up their sleeves.
  17. Devan12321

    free faction change

    Thank you very much for this information Time to make Some Characters on that server!
  18. Devan12321

    Easy gold transfer for twinks

    I found that the Pet transfer is the easiest only when going from a high population to a lower population, as it seems the prices of pets are higher. if you are Scaling up from low to high you could lose money, but high to low usually gains quite a bit!
  19. Devan12321

    thinking of making a level 1 guild

    I feel every server could have one, most people won't just go joining, but the ones that do usually stay and grow to love it :D
  20. Devan12321

    medicine pouch

    Very nice of you to do this :D