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  1. Kre, 49 Shaman

    My only suggestion would be trying out a dual wield dual-Ribsplitter build, taking a look at the bracers off princess (some prefer them, personal choice). And of course, a 8/7 ring. Other trinkets to swap out to, as well. Nice twink! 9/10 - Can't wait to see you in Ruin :) Edit: Oh...
  2. 49 Trinket Guide

    Figurine - Emerald Owl is req 50 according to WoWHead - Not sure about live.
  3. 39 Ret Pally.

    Tidal Charm hands down best.
  4. DW War

    What about a more crit based build? v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner -39 ap, -110 hp (seemd you didnt want hp as much, change tiger gear to bear/monkey for more hp, or DMH). Losing this, you gain 145 armor, hit cap, and a whopping 6.8% crit. The trick is to build the...
  5. My 49 shaman is on the way but what a pain.

    I got my helm from Meshlock while farming the Celebras drops, just ran down (up?) the path a little further and checked if he was around each kill. Not sure what faction you are, but if you're horde you can get the Felbane Azsharite Dagger and put +63 spellpower on it, works out to more dmg...
  6. rogue tactics question 0/0/10

    Imo, imp gogue and SS are too valuable to give up for increased stealth speed and increased sap range - as you can sap reliably anyways, the energy cost isnt really that big of a deal, etc. The only thing I like in the last 5 points in Sub is the reduced CD on stealth. Thats nice. :) I would...
  7. Gly for a 49 Shadow Priest

    Glyph of Shadow, Glyph of Shadow Word: Pain, and Glyph of Dispel are all top choices, along with Inner Fire. Personally, SW:P seems to be the top choice.
  8. Random Holy Paladin questions :)

    /agree, human. Dwarf is kinda pointless as you can cleanse poison anyways, so its only helpful against warriors - and they can just re-apply rend... You can get the Timbermaw Exaulted trinket at 45, but cannot get it earlier. Both the trinket quest and the quest to make feathers start...
  9. 39 FCadin input please xD

    What about Imp Devo Aura and BoS (and 2 points in Healing Light) instead of +9% int and Imp LoH? +195 armor, +6% healing taken, +8% healing from FoL/HL, BoS when theres another pally to kings you around (-3% dmg taken and +mana when you avoid). vs 225 mana, Imp LoH (+armor effect can be...
  10. Is your S key binded?

    I spin around and walk backwards off ledges with 'S' rather than double-tapping toggle-run.
  11. Mantis Boots vs Razzeric's Racing Grips

    Of course, +healing actually effects your hp/second healed, providing survivability... and increasing efficiency and longevity as well!
  12. 29 Ret Gear qustion. >.> You'll still want CoFS and a Marbled Buckler, but you would probably use that axe as a healing weapon.
  13. 3.2 ret paladin

    /cry. This is just taunting me. >.> For 7-8 pages of DPS vs Burst arguments.
  14. TLA Best wep for rets in 3.2?

    Realize, that making it easier to fit in Exo between swings also makes it easier for opponents to fit in casts between *your* swings! I'm still kinda confused to where CM is getting *more* dps than TLA, even before counting in judgement damage. But, eh, thats what you're numbers say. I'll...
  15. Warrior Advice

    The only *real* reason hit rating matters is for shield bash. It's the only ability that vastly effects your performace if it misses. If you arent going after casters alot, then I would say hit really *isnt* that important, as everything is spammable. Really REALLY sucks to charge a hunter...
  16. Shaman or Priest for 2's?

    You cant just assume someone will **** up, which is definately what fearing while tremor is down would be classified as. But yes, shammy generally has the advantage over priest when they come head-to-head. The priest should generally be trying to stay *out* of melee with the hunter to prevent...
  17. Rate my 29 rogue, Mafavrel

    MoT ftw >.> (just to be devil's advocate, I always prefer dps > stamina for a rogue) 15 hit rating to gloves, *and* 5 hit rating to boots. Else, a Truesight Amulet and 5 hit to boots if you want a higher ending ap for less stam/crit, but you wont cap hit completely. Try a TP with +5 dmg...
  18. Game Master Sîtuation

    Were you on the same account as he was on at the same time, or another account? Cause if so... /NERD RAGE: THERE IS NO REASON I SHOULD HAVE TO BUY TWO ACCOUNTS TO PLAY TWO CHARS SIMULTANEOUSLY. :D
  19. Warrior Advice

    11 hit rating is melee cap. Looks like you're goin for a DPS setup - I would take a look at usin' the Fang gloves and boots/belt/legs for the Expertise bonuses, at least situationally. 11 hit rating can come from losing minor speed to boots, or swapping in a Simple Pearl Ring. You could...
  20. Shaman or Priest for 2's?

    Depends on who your partner is. A Priest cant snare, but can remove snares and CC from his partner. A shammy has to run into melee to attack, making switching targets really easy for the opponents DPS. A Priest can HoT and Shield, and possibly escape combat to drink (when partnered with mage...