Warrior Advice

So I'm looking at making a 19 warrior, because it is always something that has been of interest to me. My highest warrior is 35, so I'm not too positive on the class yet - but I am sure I'll get the hang of it. I threw together a quick Chardev for a 19 alliance warrior - Looking at rolling Dwarf, but I'm not sure...Night Elf is tempting (I hate elves -.-) just for the Shadowmeld+Charge viability.

chardev.org v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

I'm not sure if this is even close to being acceptable - Which is why I am asking for your help :D Do I want to go for hit rating, and if so - how much do I need? Should I be using Deviate Scale Belt and Spidersilk Drape? Or should I not worry about it.

I plan on getting a shield and 1 hander, probably a set or two of these, and was planning on using Smite's Reaver with Lifestealing, and either Redbeard's Crest or Arctic Buckler. I plan on using Glacial Stone with crusader, but should I also have Smite's Hammer with 25 agility - or is that overkill?

For Glyphs I plan on using Glyph of Hamstring and Glyph of Charge - unless anyone has better suggestions?

Spec I am not sure about at all. Is Imp.Heroic Strike worth it? I read somewhere that I shouldn't use Heroic Strike - and its mainly just a rage dumb, my damage will come from auto attacks and rend - is this true? I am thinking Cruelty is useful - 5% crit isn't bad, but once again I am not sure ><

This character will not be using BoA's - but I don't feel that it will be too much of a problem.

Any advice is welcome :D As I said, I have very little experience with warriors and would love some first-hand advice from people who play 19 warriors, or any advice at all :D Thanks
Yes to everything, I think. Except Imp. Heroic Strike - don't think that's good anymore. I see most warriors running with Armored to the Teeth and Cruelty, but I think Tactical Mastery is also quite good - never underestimate the power of the Stance Dance.

IMO don't bother with Smite's Reaver. You have +7 Hit rating which I believe is the cap already. Or, alternatively, you could switch the Deviate Belt for Belt of the Fang, use the Reaver, and get the 3-piece set bonus for Fang (4 expertise, which would lead to more hits.)

EDIT: Oh, and there's no such thing as overkill ;)
Spooksters said:
So I'm looking at making a 19 warrior, because it is always something that has been of interest to me. My highest warrior is 35, so I'm not too positive on the class yet - but I am sure I'll get the hang of it. I threw together a quick Chardev for a 19 alliance warrior - Looking at rolling Dwarf, but I'm not sure...Night Elf is tempting (I hate elves -.-) just for the Shadowmeld+Charge viability.

chardev.org v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

I'm not sure if this is even close to being acceptable - Which is why I am asking for your help :D Do I want to go for hit rating, and if so - how much do I need? Should I be using Deviate Scale Belt and Spidersilk Drape? Or should I not worry about it.

I plan on getting a shield and 1 hander, probably a set or two of these, and was planning on using Smite's Reaver with Lifestealing, and either Redbeard's Crest or Arctic Buckler. I plan on using Glacial Stone with crusader, but should I also have Smite's Hammer with 25 agility - or is that overkill?

For Glyphs I plan on using Glyph of Hamstring and Glyph of Charge - unless anyone has better suggestions?

Spec I am not sure about at all. Is Imp.Heroic Strike worth it? I read somewhere that I shouldn't use Heroic Strike - and its mainly just a rage dumb, my damage will come from auto attacks and rend - is this true? I am thinking Cruelty is useful - 5% crit isn't bad, but once again I am not sure ><

This character will not be using BoA's - but I don't feel that it will be too much of a problem.

Any advice is welcome :D As I said, I have very little experience with warriors and would love some first-hand advice from people who play 19 warriors, or any advice at all :D Thanks

Ok there is a lot to explain here and I'm kind of tired so if it doesn't make that much sense... sorry.

Anyway here we go... NE for sure. Shouldn't even be a question because that racial charge is extremely helpful.

Glacial Stone with crusader... then when it procs switch to Smite's Hammer with 25 agility for max dps. But for the most part use a 1h'er (SF is best but Butcher"s Slicer is almost as good) with a redbeards crest with 7 stamina on it. Also get a Raider"s Shield of Blocking for when you have your shieldblock up and put a felsteel spike on it... you'll rip people up on that cd. I'm not sure on that macro though so, some1 else will have to tell you that one.

Otherwise though get the hitcloak instead of the cloak you have up there from RFC because trust me... you do NOT want your hamstring missing because a lot of the time that is life or death.

Also you'll have to macro you shield bash to make sure you have your 1h'er and shield on when you hit that move to stop a heal... don't know that macro either tho... not really helping you much I guess.

Spooksters said:
planning on using Smite's Reaver with Lifestealing

That is a fast weapon don't use a proc type enchant on that.

The hit cap for a warrior at 19 is like 11 I think... might need some conformation though.
11 hit rating is melee cap.

Looks like you're goin for a DPS setup - I would take a look at usin' the Fang gloves and boots/belt/legs for the Expertise bonuses, at least situationally.

11 hit rating can come from losing minor speed to boots, or swapping in a Simple Pearl Ring. You could also take a look at the BoA leather shoulders and bow, if you have an 80. (re-read post and saw you wont be using BoAs, but leaving this paragraph for others interested)

Imp Heroic Strike is generally considered a bad idea. You'll only be using HS when youve got tons of rage to spare, so the cost dont really matter.

Go ahead and get both weapons, IMO. If you have a free spot to swap to Smites while crusader is up, might as well go for it. Just get everything - Arctic is generally considered the best FCing shield, so you'll want it for that. Might want to try out a shield spike on your Redbeard's until you find a blocking shield for rogue fights.

As for your final spec - its a really personal choice. Just try everything for like a week at a time. I ended up really liking a Imp TC -> Incite build with the rest in Cruelty, as you really feel the lack of AoE damage if you've played a higher lvl warrior before.

I've got a friend who played a 19 warrior who swears by Unbridled Wrath. Its kinda wierd, but it worked for him. A lot of warriors like going deeper into arms, for Tactical Mastery and one point in Imp Charge, so you can hamstring right off the bat. My first 19 warrior was specced that way.
Hmm, alright :D Thanks for the advice guys <3 Night elf over dorf? Hmm...Dwarves are so cool tho D= We shall see...I like the idea of the Shield Block thing, definitely need to grab one of those. Is the fang expertise really worth it? Feel like I'd be losing A LOT if I got it, but I guess it's worth getting anyways and seeing if I like it.
Spooksters said:
Hmm, alright :D Thanks for the advice guys <3 Night elf over dorf? Hmm...Dwarves are so cool tho D= We shall see...I like the idea of the Shield Block thing, definitely need to grab one of those. Is the fang expertise really worth it? Feel like I'd be losing A LOT if I got it, but I guess it's worth getting anyways and seeing if I like it.

i actually don't think the fang thing is worth it because for the most part... whoever your fighting should be hamstrung already (dodge or no dodge it's a spam) and once they have hamstring on them it's pretty easy to out manuver (spelling) them and get on thier back for reapplys of hamstring... and obviously dps moves. It's a personal choice though I guess.
I may be a little late, but I share a 19 warrior with my brother who says hit rating shouldn't matter, just go for crit.

Also, I would personally go for a NE warrior for athestics, but dwarf has nice/best starter stats for ally. I would stay away from human and gnome, dranei is always an option. Go with w/e floats your boat.
Insomníac said:
I may be a little late, but I share a 19 warrior with my brother who says hit rating shouldn't matter, just go for crit.
I strongly disagree with you here... but then...
Insomníac said:
Go with w/e floats your boat.
agree with you here
Hmm, yeah I think I will ATLEAST get Deviate Scale Belt and Spidersilk Drape, any more we'll see about after. I really like dwarves (second favorite alliance race) but the Night Elf ability to "intercept" is very very tempting, especially for fighting hunters
The only *real* reason hit rating matters is for shield bash. It's the only ability that vastly effects your performace if it misses. If you arent going after casters alot, then I would say hit really *isnt* that important, as everything is spammable.

Really REALLY sucks to charge a hunter, miss a HS, then have them dodge the next HS, Jump away and kite you to death. Hence the expertise in certain situations comment.

Switching to Fang Gloves and Boots would net you:

-4 stamina, -6 strength, +11 agility, +4 expertise (3.5% frontal-non-casting hit).
darzk said:
The only *real* reason hit rating matters is for shield bash. It's the only ability that vastly effects your performace if it misses. If you arent going after casters alot, then I would say hit really *isnt* that important, as everything is spammable.

Really REALLY sucks to charge a hunter, miss a HS, then have them dodge the next HS, Jump away and kite you to death. Hence the expertise in certain situations comment.

Switching to Fang Gloves and Boots would net you:

-4 stamina, -6 strength, +11 agility, +4 expertise (3.5% frontal-non-casting hit).

You're forgeting the fact that you can actually MISS charge... pretty big deal when you charge some1 from across the map (bringing you in combat) and it doesn't stun them to where you will be on... they'll end up still a few steps a head of you. And after a charge there is a stun for a split second after where you can apply your HS (like I just said) and you can't dodge during a stun... but... you... can... miss. hit rating is huge on a warrior and I'll stick behind that.

In my 4 years in the bracket, I have played a warrior for about 2 of them now. I have learned a lot of things and made 3 different warriors. One thing I have learned is the game is ever changing.

My first warrior was actually Human, I picked it for sword proficiency back when you get 100 skill points from it. The second warrior was a night elf, I picked it for shadowmeld. Back when I made this warrior, you should shadowmeld in between dot ticks, or even attacks, and then charge into people. It was really great against hunters until they added a global cool down. Even still the last warrior I rolled on bloodlust for recruiting purposes I went night elf female, mostly for fun, but also because I like being able to shadowmeld pets off of me as I back strafe, and I love playing defense in pugs, seeing how many returns I can get.

The point I am trying to make is, think of what your going to do with your warrior and build it around your play style.


Night Elf - Shadowmeld, the aggro drop, or great for hiding and waiting for the unsuspecting hunter in mid, or great for defensively hiding in the flag room waiting for the charge into hamstring for easy returns.

Human - Sword and mace proficiency, 2 minute trinket, open slot for extra agm or haste trinket. Great stealth detection for defensive rolls.

Dwarf - Hate to really go there but with the nerfs they have added to stoneskin, its not really all that useful, unless your going for max stamina.

Draenei - Gift as an extra hot paired with herbing is massive, but mostly if your going for a good amount of ap, as it scales with it. They start with the highest strentgh as well. I would go this route for an offensive warrior.


Most people will want a good balance or two simple max out in a single area. Just make smart choices. For instance, some people will take [item]butchers slicer[/item] over [item]cruel barb[/item], but then turn around and take [item]silver-linked footguards[/item] over [item]savage trodders[/item]. I would personally take [item]cruel barb[/item] and [item]silver-linked footguards[/item] if I was going for more dps or [item]butchers slicer[/item] and [item]savage trodders[/item] if I was going for added a bit more stamina.

Make sure you get a shield with a Felsteel Shield Spike when in defensive and you pop shield block, you will put out some good damage especially on a rogue, or other melle trying to burst you down. I would suggest it on either the [item]redbeard crest[/item] or a "Of Blocking" shield.


I really feel as though you want this. I am currently running two warriors, one on tich, and the other on gilneas. The tich one has only 3 hit rating, as I have pumped more stamina into the build using [item]blood ring[/item] over [item]simple pearl ring[/item] and [item]sentry cloak[/item] over [item]spidersilk drape[/item] Leaving me only a 3 hit rating. I tend to miss a lot of hamstrings, rents, and imperative abilities with this warrior.


Try them all. I personally love lifestealing for a rogue/warrior/paladin duel. I use crusader for everything else and in WSG. I love when it procs and switching to the 2'her with +25 agility for the big numbers.

Lastly I would suggest getting as many items as possible if not all that you want to try out. Try them all, see what works for you. As I have said before and always say, just because something works someone else, doesnt mean it will work for you. A great example is my rogue that is still rocking a [item] thief's blade[/item] with +15 agility in the offhand. Some people wont agree with it, but I see more crits this way and I output more dps then I did with my 2x fiery weapons.

Thats all I have for you right now, hope it added some insight into what your trying to accomplish.
Spooksters said:
So I'm looking at making a 19 warrior, because it is always something that has been of interest to me. My highest warrior is 35, so I'm not too positive on the class yet - but I am sure I'll get the hang of it. I threw together a quick Chardev for a 19 alliance warrior - Looking at rolling Dwarf, but I'm not sure...Night Elf is tempting (I hate elves -.-) just for the Shadowmeld+Charge viability.

chardev.org v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

I'm not sure if this is even close to being acceptable - Which is why I am asking for your help :D Do I want to go for hit rating, and if so - how much do I need? Should I be using Deviate Scale Belt and Spidersilk Drape? Or should I not worry about it.

I plan on getting a shield and 1 hander, probably a set or two of these, and was planning on using Smite's Reaver with Lifestealing, and either Redbeard's Crest or Arctic Buckler. I plan on using Glacial Stone with crusader, but should I also have Smite's Hammer with 25 agility - or is that overkill?

For Glyphs I plan on using Glyph of Hamstring and Glyph of Charge - unless anyone has better suggestions?

Spec I am not sure about at all. Is Imp.Heroic Strike worth it? I read somewhere that I shouldn't use Heroic Strike - and its mainly just a rage dumb, my damage will come from auto attacks and rend - is this true? I am thinking Cruelty is useful - 5% crit isn't bad, but once again I am not sure ><

This character will not be using BoA's - but I don't feel that it will be too much of a problem.

Any advice is welcome :D As I said, I have very little experience with warriors and would love some first-hand advice from people who play 19 warriors, or any advice at all :D Thanks

Hmm first off as having a 19 warrior myself I suggest you go Sword n' Board, I also suggest you don't go glass cannon war as I see you did in that chardev. Imo, you should go human or nightelf there is no reason to go dwarf, I personally went Nightelf, nothing beats a free intercept but human is also good for the two trinket spots, sword and shield, spidersilk cape, and agm x2(or 1 if ne), and blackened defias armor. You won't have as much burst but you will be alot more effective. And for your dps rotation, heroic strike shouldn't be used at all in your rotation, you should be doing hamstring->rend->thunderclap. And as for the talents you should go 2/2 imp rend, 3/3 armored teeth, 2/5 cruelty, and 3/3 imp thunderclap. For my glyphs I like to have the Glyph of Resonating Power, and Glyph of Charge.

Well those are just my 2 cents. Sorry for bad grammer and everything, hope you have fun making your warrior :D
Hmm, alright - thank you all for the great advice. Definitely a lot more to this that I had originally thought (which is good :) - looks like I'll have to try out a lot of stuff and see what I enjoy,

@Agilitize - I wouldn't have said I built a glass-cannon warrior really...1200health or so doesn't seem glass cannon to me...but maybe I am wrong?
Quick question - popping Shadowmeld takes me out of combat right? So I can charge - it doesn't just make me untargeted
Agilitize said:
Hmm first off as having a 19 warrior myself I suggest you go Sword n' Board, I also suggest you don't go glass cannon war as I see you did in that chardev. Imo, you should go human or nightelf there is no reason to go dwarf, I personally went Nightelf, nothing beats a free intercept but human is also good for the two trinket spots, sword and shield, spidersilk cape, and agm x2(or 1 if ne), and blackened defias armor. You won't have as much burst but you will be alot more effective. And for your dps rotation, heroic strike shouldn't be used at all in your rotation, you should be doing hamstring->rend->thunderclap. And as for the talents you should go 2/2 imp rend, 3/3 armored teeth, 2/5 cruelty, and 3/3 imp thunderclap. For my glyphs I like to have the Glyph of Resonating Power, and Glyph of Charge.

Well those are just my 2 cents. Sorry for bad grammer and everything, hope you have fun making your warrior :D

I agree with a lot fo thigs in here. I would personally go Draenei if your going for 2'her or a "Glass Cannon" warrior, even though theres not to much glass in 1600 armor. I also wouldnt bother with,

Armored to the Teeth Rank 3

Increases your attack power by 3 for every 180 armor value you have.

Say you have around 1100 armor with your 2'her, thats only 18ap, would you really take that over 3% chance to crit? I hardly doubt if there was a 225 profession that gave 18ap that it would be taken over skinning.

I would take 2/2 imp rend, 3/3 imp thunder clap, and 5/5 cruelty.
Diiesel said:
I also wouldnt bother with,

Armored to the Teeth Rank 3

Increases your attack power by 3 for every 180 armor value you have.

Say you have around 1100 armor with your 2'her, thats only 18ap, would you really take that over 3% chance to crit? I hardly doubt if there was a 225 profession that gave 18ap that it would be taken over skinning.

I would take 2/2 imp rend, 3/3 imp thunder clap, and 5/5 cruelty.

It's getting buffed in 3.2. Instead of every 180 armor it's down to every 100 armor. So that's 33 ap with only 1100 armor (and you can get a lot more than that.) Get that and Cruelty and you'll be set.
Spooksters said:
Quick question - popping Shadowmeld takes me out of combat right? So I can charge - it doesn't just make me untargeted

Yeah, you can Shadowmeld + Charge.

Personally that's the reason I would roll NE if I ever made a Warrior.

Edit: Didn't actually read the whole topic.

I HIGHLY suggest you get hit-capped using Drape + Deviate Belt + Simple Pearl Ring. Never missing a Hamstring or Charge or well anything that you can miss is just so important. Being hit-capped will lead to way more kills and success than whatever extra AP you would get from gearing the other way.
This kind of topics are usually bad as they offer only opinions of people and most of those are bad ones, but anyway here I add in my own.

First of get butchers slicer with lifestealing (Its due the speed not due the stamina) and Glacial with crusader. Also get Redbeard with spike (its plain stupid to have it on blocking one if your switching it on only while using shield block, block rating does nothing and it has less block than redbeard). Definitely gear for hit cap Drape + Deviate Belt + Simple Pearl Ring is the way to go (missing a disarm sucks even more than missing a shield bash tbh).

For glyphs, only real choices are Hamstring+Charge theres is nothing more to say.

Depending on your play style your choice is between human/nelf/draenei. Human is alot more offensive choice, you can gear for more dps due extra agm and your both weapons benefit from the weapon profiency.

The spec is much about preferens. Personally I couldnt play without imp.bloodrage or tactical mastery. I need to be able to disarm instantly. Tactical mastery is not versatile enought as the greatest part of it is revenge which only works against melee and hunters really. So I have ended up with incite spec, which offers great deal of controlled burst and I like it alot. Imp.tc is a must have on every spec imo.
Theme said:
Human is alot more offensive choice, you can gear for more dps due extra agm and your both weapons benefit from the weapon profiency.

Daenei start with the highest base str and if you gear for ap then that racial will tick for way more than the 120 health you get from agm. Mine totals at a 550 heal on my hunter (who is an ap hunter) and he only has 304 ap... warriors usually get higher... and if you pop that bad boi during a crusader proc... damn.

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