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  1. PVP music

    Blurred Lines JK Wagner =D
  2. B.Y.O.G - Thursday nights - Real Ids & SS

    ....I thought that was today and was off trying to get gear =(
  3. Bracket First Impressions

    You're right on that. If i get no help from others, it's a lost cause.
  4. <Wheres the Flag> HORDE Lvl 20-24 Emerald Dream - US

    =D Had heaps of fun!! Thanks!!
  5. <Wheres the Flag> HORDE Lvl 20-24 Emerald Dream - US

    Will do!! I live on the West Coast and am on around 6pm.
  6. <Wheres the Flag> HORDE Lvl 20-24 Emerald Dream - US

    I have Ally characters on that realm. I wouldn't mind making a Horde 24 to have some fun.
  7. Bracket First Impressions

    It is a fun bracket. I recently stopped raiding and just focused more on PvP. Resto druids aren't that much of an issue, Shadow Priests on the other hand....
  8. So, 2 Rogues walked into a bar...

    Turns out, it was The Narrator all along.
  9. 20-24 max beast

    awwww. I guess ill have to make another tard
  10. Other Hobbies than WoW

    I drink while i play WoW. Im thinking about getting one of those Beer Helmets....but id sub the beer with Vodka and 7up.
  11. 20-24 2v2 3v3 Arena War Games

    I think i may have killed THEE Honeybadger!! I was on my tard Sucialoca/Emerald Dream And may have joined forced with him/her as Juicybooty /Zul'jin =C
  12. 20-24 2v2 3v3 Arena War Games

    I almost cried when i read this. I need to find out how to get in on this. I just started to do lvl 24 BGs and this sounds like fun!!
  13. Is there a Hunter pet or pet combo that is generally considered "the best"?

    I guess im a mid derper since i use a wolf. Most of the time im after the EFC with 1 or 2 people, which sucks, so that extra crit chance helps out a lot
  14. Sanctuary - Real ID - Horde/Ally (Badger 2.0)

    Do they need to be on your server or is it now global? Really haven't socialized much since the guild i was in started playing Star Wars when it came out....yeah, that long ago, in a galaxy far, far away. Lately i just Q solo and it gets rather boring fast.
  15. 3 words one story.

    a hungry hungry
  16. 20-24 Horde or Ally?

    It all depends. If you have people on your team that communicate, your chances are better than people who just want to farm the GY or Mid. I'm not the the best player on the team i get thrown into, but i let people know what direction the EFC is going and it increases our success....sometimes.
  17. 24's Come to Emerald Dream!

    Cool. Hey, Juicie, do F2P people have access to a mailbox? I have some low lvl enchantments you may or may not want. Let me know. Ill either be on: Sucialoca or Lovestopoon I have added you to both friend lists.
  18. 3 words one story.

    like a baby's
  19. 24's Come to Emerald Dream!

    Man.... I ate too much clam chowder and the dam sandman got me.
  20. 20-24 2v2 3v3 Arena War Games

    There's such a thing?