Is there a Hunter pet or pet combo that is generally considered "the best"?


Thoughts? Obviously you're allowed to have 2 with you at a time, which can enable you to make adjustments as needed. Which pets do you typically bring to BGs and why? There are a lot of possibilities, so I'm kinda overwhelmed.
I guess im a mid derper since i use a wolf.
Most of the time im after the EFC with 1 or 2 people, which sucks, so that extra crit chance helps out a lot
I've never played a twink hunter, but I have played a hunter. I pretty much PvP'd 10-50, so I'd say I'm qualified to answer. :p
Personally, I like the Spider. However, stun is ideal. The reason I like spiders is because of the web. I found that my spider was always webbing, and there was a huge chance that whatever I was attacking would get stuck in place.

While this was pointless against casters, it made it very easy to absolutely destroy melee classes. It's very easy to get your spider on someone, have them in a web, and then concussive shot them while you kite them with steady / aimed shot, with the occasional silence or something else.

DPS pets are also good, but I find that they have less utility than something with buffs/stuns/webs/etc.
It truly depends on what your spec is though. I always went MM, so rooting someone was great as the main source of damage was me, not my pet. If you're BM, I suggest something a bit more hard-hitting than a spider.
Wolf / monkey or moth is ideal imo.
I keep my wolf out all the time. Fuck micromanaging, hunters don't need CC these days.
I've saved so many asses with my spider.

I'll pull out moth for heavy healing groups.
a moth called stfu.
What Lil said. Rest of this thread is irrelevant.
I'd go with Wolf / Moth
Or Hyena / Moth

Depending on comps.
Go with a moth if you know how to use it, people rarely fakecast here, nor expect a hunter pet to interrupt them
I found that my spider was always webbing, and there was a huge chance that whatever I was attacking would get stuck in place.

Your web will be more effective if you controlled when it was used.. By right clicking the special ability icon on the pet bar, you turn off automatic cast.

Now you can make a macro to bind /cast web, /cast sting /cast serenity dust /bad manner etc

Without BM's Intimidation, it's almost necessary to have another bound interrupt..
I just use a moth out all the time. I usually keep a wolf in my pockets, sometimes a bird because I took my f2p hunter out to Howling Fjord to get a cool looking one, but I cba constantly switching pets. It's even better now that all the other pet abilities have ridiculous cooldowns (although I have been playing a lazy hunter with just a moth for a few patches now).

The advantages for a moth:
-Untrinketable 4 second CC on healers
-Totally reliable on both kill targets and people healing kill targets (as opposed to scatter/monkey/crane breaking on damage)
-Interrupt while you're CCed
-Interrupt without overextending to scatter
-Reliably peel casters (mind blast/starsurge interrupts are huge)
-Don't need to save/always use scatter to interrupt
-1 min CD (bat/crane/monkey are 2 mins, Wasp is 1.5 mins)
-Doesn't DR (bat/monkey DR with HoJ/warbringer)
-Fun! (well, I personally enjoy the interrupt/fake casting meta)

It's a great choice if you're overwhelmed and looking for a go-to pet. It adds diversity to your toolkit and lets you faceroll over anything that can cast a heal 1v1.
Reason I don't use moth is because it's completely pointless for alot of classes that are problematic for me.

rogues, wars, FCing druids, healing druids, hpals and hunts.

Bats are pointless for no classes and have stun which when used right can help alot more then a interrupt or w/e moths ability is classified as. Plus priests aren't normally a problem for a good hunt and Rshams are middle ground as they can sometimes beat you with just hots or sometimes have to cast which moth could help with.

Imo bat>moth in almost all situations. Plus I have the coolest bat out there and the coolest moth out there is some plain ole white one. Have to take looks into consideration while picking pets as well :cool:
Imo bat>moth in almost all situations. Plus I have the coolest bat out there and the coolest moth out there is some plain ole white one. Have to take looks into consideration while picking pets as well :cool:

i agree, but the cd is silly imo. of all the things that needs looking at with hunters i don't think that was one :( . don't under estimate a bird of prey either. taking a pally/warrs shield never gets old :p
I don't know, I've found that I can usually put out enough pressure to force most druids and pretty much all Hpals to hardcast.

Rogues and warriors can be a problem if there are a bunch of them, but there's no way I'm going to effectively CC 3 people at once when I'm getting charge spammed or rogues keep popping out. A lot of the time you can stay out of warriors' charge range and pick rogues out of stealth. Hunters already counter melee pretty well without a pet - conc shot, scatter and disengage are usually enough. A preemptive Roar of Sac usually does the trick against hunters or warriors when you can't range charge. Moth is much stronger against healers/casters.

In general a 2 second stun has more applications than a 4 second interrupt, but imo in the context of the CC hunters already have a straight interrupt gives more versatility. Adding in the fact that Sonic Blast is on a 2 minute CD, trinketable and DRs HoJ, I don't think you can call a bat that much better. Both are solid, up to personal preference I guess.

Also the blue/purple moth is amazing looking, waaaaaaaay better than the white one.
Reason I don't use moth is because it's completely pointless for alot of classes that are problematic for me.

rogues, wars, FCing druids, healing druids, hpals and hunts.

You have a problem killing Rogues and Warriors on your BiS Hunt?
You have a problem killing Rogues and Warriors on your BiS Hunt?

yes 24 rogues who literally 2 shot me and wars who charge me at half hp and 1 shot me. bat stops that ambush or that charge midway before ss 1 shot. Moth does absolutely nothing against that. Only 2/4 healers are problemmatic and the moth doesn't help with either of those 2 that much and no casters give me a problem so moth is inferior to bat in almost every scenario like I said previously...

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