Search results

  1. Selling Talon of Vultros for cheap!!!!

    selling talon of vultros on Kel'thuzad alliance AH for 20k, first come first serve
  2. Scoreboard Thread

  3. Educational WSG 10v10 Premade [Week 3]

    Bastè-ally hunt- Blackwing Lair or Axedroo-boomie- Blackwing Lair
  4. Anetheron (Alliance) Now recruiting twinks

    Nah we moved to misha
  5. Come on down to ET land...

    Shammy, play your lock on aneth sometime
  6. [MOP] Hathôr's 5.4 F2P Comprehensive Rogue PVP Guide

    Re: Hathôr's 5.4 F2P Comprehensive Rogue PVP Guide I thought thistle tea wasnt in the game anymore, and if it is how do we get it
  7. looking for small, tight knit, f2p server

    Anetheron alliance
  8. Anetheron (Alliance) Now recruiting twinks

    Nah im pretty much BiS here
  9. Anetheron (Alliance) Now recruiting twinks

    Hope you come on often bend (im axedrood btw)
  10. Anetheron (Alliance) Now recruiting twinks

    bump bump
  11. <Heroes of The Gulch> [A] Shu'halo Recruitment

    I may come on my disc
  12. Rate my new lock

    Needs ring/trink 8/10
  13. Rate-A-Rouge(First attempt)

  14. Rate me
