<Heroes of The Gulch> [A] Shu'halo Recruitment


Heroes of the Gulch is looking for active and dedicated players. Our guild is very friendly, and are small, with plans to grow, and maybe eventually get enough for premades.

What HOTG has to offer you
Funding boe's and off boa chants.
Friendly atmosphere
Guild tab full of boe's
Help with furbolg, dungeons and other things.

What we require from you
Have the necessary boa's for your class and correct enchants on them. As boa's are now cross realm, there isn't an excuse to not be able to get full boas
Dedication to learn- Dedicated to learn your class, and the correct gear associated.
Willing to improve- Not everyone is perfect, I was terrible monk at beginning of mop, but I improved.

If you are at all interested in joining Heroes of The Gulch, feel free to get ahold of me on TI, or in game on Anora.

Thank yall for reading this and I hope that you join.

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Cogbrew#1579 is my btag. If you are interested, add it, and we can talk about this further :)
lilgaymarb best 19 druid in HotG ever
Friendly bump for a great guy. Good luck cog!
if u wanna improve as a player u wanna not go here!!

what's your problem with me? Like honestly, I haven't done anything to you. Though I'm assuming you are uraflamer or restosexual cause those 2 hate my soul lol. Gotta love random trolling accounts that are made though bahahah.
what's your problem with me? Like honestly, I haven't done anything to you. Though I'm assuming you are uraflamer or restosexual cause those 2 hate my soul lol. Gotta love random trolling accounts that are made though bahahah.

He is this crappy wannabe 19 warrior I ran in to in a dungeon group yesterday, in some guild on Bleeding Hollow. IDK what his problem was, but the entire instance he was trying to get the healer to let me die, and get everyone to stop helping me kill stuff. He's a jackass.
He is this crappy wannabe 19 warrior I ran in to in a dungeon group yesterday, in some guild on Bleeding Hollow. IDK what his problem was, but the entire instance he was trying to get the healer to let me die, and get everyone to stop helping me kill stuff. He's a jackass.

Ah I see. I still don't get why he has a problem with me though. I haven't even heard of him til now. Unless he's one of the people I said, I don't see why he has such a problem with me.
He is this crappy wannabe 19 warrior I ran in to in a dungeon group yesterday, in some guild on Bleeding Hollow. IDK what his problem was, but the entire instance he was trying to get the healer to let me die, and get everyone to stop helping me kill stuff. He's a jackass.

you can say whatever you want but i was carrying our dungeon group

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