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  1. Gnuaddiction

    F2P account service GIVEAWAY!

    What's a basic package?....I must have it!!!
  2. Gnuaddiction

    DV's Confirmed 5.4 Information for F2P

    Wow really!? That would be great news if locks got this at 20! Hope someone with access to PTR checks it out.
  3. Gnuaddiction

    Gear scales now

    Just had a game with 3 horde healers and 0 alliance....FAIL Ret is pretty fun again (not like Cata) Resto druids definitely heal less which is great Rogues are awesome! Still have to try out the other classes tonight
  4. Gnuaddiction

    Got a rant, had a bad day? TELL IT HERE

    So serious.....
  5. Gnuaddiction

    Who has the most valuable F2P?

    Makes perfect sense for a BM hunter then, thanks!
  6. Gnuaddiction

    Who has the most valuable F2P?

    I am not arguing but simply am curious what it is that makes you BiS and not anyone else (or were you just kidding)? I was also wondering why you wear Foreman's Gloves? I thought expertise only applied to melee.
  7. Gnuaddiction

    BM vs SURV vs MM hunter?

    It is debatable for sure. It depends on the instance I guess. With multiple healers using intim on one doesn't stop the others from healing him so in that case faster damage would be better. When there is only 1 or 2 healers intim can be nice. I play 3 healers as you can see in my sig and it...
  8. Gnuaddiction

    Things Blizz could implement at low levels

    That would definitely make it easier to balance PVP but it would come at the cost of removing a lot of the fun aspects of WOW pvp. People like to have gear options for looks and strategies. It is fun to try out a crit set and compare it against your stam set for example. The game you are...
  9. Gnuaddiction

    BM vs SURV vs MM hunter?

    In this bracket....with the number of healers we have.....Intimidation plays a huge role in downing a good one... I would say BM is best for now, after 5.3 hits SV will be all we see probably.
  10. Gnuaddiction

    BM vs SURV vs MM hunter?

    Maybe they will buff Kill Command so that we can start killing people halfway across the map again while safely chilling at the base (=
  11. Gnuaddiction

    Things Blizz could implement at low levels

    AV would be awesome but I am trying to remember how many are on each team? I guess the 20 bracket has gotten so huge that it wouldn't be an issue. I like what one person said about having a rotation of available BG's based on the holiday.
  12. Gnuaddiction

    Arathi Basin. Commence Discussion.

    Just lost another game. Horde side had 10 healers.....and 9 24s.... We had 2 healers and 0 24s..... lost by about 1,000 points )-=
  13. Gnuaddiction

    MM hunting

    With all of the OP healing we are experiencing, one could argue that BM or survival may get you more damage in the long run but not necessarily help the team get a kill. The thing about MM is that it actually downs players. With so many OP healing classes, the only way to get a player down is by...
  14. Gnuaddiction

    5.2 Guardian Druid

    5.2 destroyed my druid. I used to top heals and damage on a regular basis with my resto druid (in full dps gear). Sad times )-=
  15. Gnuaddiction

    5.2 Thread

    A Blizz employee responded on the forum saying "We are currently looking into this."
  16. Gnuaddiction

    On Fishing

    Rumsey Rum Black Label no longer gives the Stamina bonus. It is just like any other alcohol now... )-=
  17. Gnuaddiction

    Patch 5.2 is confirmed for Tuesday March 5th

    So far in 5.2... Some people appear as 24s whereas some appear as 20s still. Not sure if scaling is occurring appropriately for everyone yet or not. A true 24 spriest had nothing on me....yay! I play a hybrid resto druid that pre 5.2 could top damage and heals on a regular basis. In the one...
  18. Gnuaddiction

    Patch 5.2 reloaded (20-24)

    Is Overpower not going to be a level 30 spell anymore?
  19. Gnuaddiction

    20-24 World PvP Event!!!!