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  1. Angry rant

    <removed for language> rip sasha all be at the rifle range, bring your complaints and be sure to stand down range so i may shoot you repeatedly.....
  2. RIP Aerie Peak Horde

    The baby dick 24s are insecure fuck wits, and they are a perfect representation of what end game pvp is all about. dont get mad these baby dick children will all die screaming they are cowards and will be trampled underfoot when the shit hits the fan.
  3. Your Ultimate WoW Wish...

    Remove pally bubble.
  4. 5.2 Thread

    i have seen anywhere from 600-1000dmg. i have about 134str with potions.. im going to have to grind out all the resilience possible gear that should put it over the top, that and the grace of all those willing to toss a heal on a warrior from time to time ,.. my advice is to find the healer...
  5. Patch 5.2 reloaded (20-24)

    so warriors get a nerf , while pallys get buffs, more of the same ol bullshit, well one less warrior for you to kick around im done.
  6. Aerie Peak No. 1

    Where is it your little group meets up , i down loaded and installed the ap addon chat from curse gamming , my mac doesnt seem to like it . Sashå aries peak ,
  7. Vanilla players tell Mists of Pandaria players about "Back in the day"

    Long ago warriors has a neat little ability that cost 10 rage and interupted spells , rip shield bash., now we have shield slam but sadly slamming doesnt interupt like bashing did, burning crusade gave way to world of caster craft , warriors where given a back seat to the emerging pink dot...
  8. Rate my horde rogue

    Id say all you need is bands of serrikis , but that can be a bit of a grind being they are located underwater where few tanks go in black fathom deeps .
  9. How are trials now that Mop has settled in?

    The pink dot army has exploded to due them being the only class that can compete with all the 24's that are bored with mist and get there kicks killing f2p. So if you dont mind getting hammered of jusitced to denouce spam. its great other wise . it is what is , a bracket to feed the insecurity...
  10. Ninja capping bases at Arathi basin

    Ninja cap , easiest way wait a min the horde will usually run off after they cap , same goes with the spanish players they just run away from capped flags.
  11. F2P Salfir's Warlock Guide

    Wonderful guide.. the demo looks fun, but i can only imagine the amount of saliva dripping from rogues mouths when the check the board and see warlocks. One little question long ago the lil blue lock pet had a bubble that could absorb dmg for the lock was that replaced by the disarm?
  12. Best class for fast paced combat?

    Feral would be fun for you , i would say please no more pallys the pink dot army is well represented , and a favorite for 24s.
  13. Plz rate my Ally Prot Warrior

    Im playing a prot warrior atm on horde , and you are looking pretty good. Personally i would get pvp ring and neck & trinket, go to wsg vendor for alliance and show all loot table. i also like the ring from sfk, there is also a green quest ring , for chest you should grind out wc for the murloc...
  14. Rate this Mofo

    Im on board, i love to see warlocks not a whole lot out there so cheers to you on that.
  15. Rate my pally (level 20)

    Nice work on gear and enchants , its a lot of work im doing the same on a prot warrior atm and when i get my 25 post i may do a lil guide on prot pvp f2p if it hasnt been touched on, But lets be honest here you are one pink dot among a legion of pink dots. but atleast your not [a 24.]
  16. why people choose 24s over 20.

    I would like to start by saying all 24's in the f2p bracket shall henceforth known as baby dick's... that concludes message..