Plz rate my Ally Prot Warrior

Do you have a strength set? What's your goal? You've only got 45 hk's... get some playtime. Get the lovely chumps at Vashj to play with you... but get a strength set 'cause you won't be fc 100% of the time.
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Aside from all of those There is still alot of work to do since your first post.

Head - fine - easy hit/stam
Level up JC/Mining to make the Thick Necklace, then go skinning/LWing for +16 armor kits.
Get the pvp resil shoulders
Chest - get BoA tank piece
Bracers - fine
BoA tank sword
Shield is fine
legs - farm Foreman's
Boots are fine - silver linked are stamm-ier but tough to find (farm chests)
Get argas
get boa insignia trinket
AGM - meh - if you can get it great I don't try anymore

And - fish in the STV tourney every Sunday for the Lucky Fishing hat. Once you get that you can rearrange your gear to remain hit capped.

You are on a fairly active f2p realm. Hopefully you have the super awesome f2pchat add on to talk to your peers and group queue for BG carnage.

Best of Luck,

Uncle Drünk

PS - I have a half finished mage on that realm named Sorceress if you ever want gear advice or to similqueue.
Ohh and Oni brings up a good point - what do you see your role as? damage? flag carrying?
Im playing a prot warrior atm on horde , and you are looking pretty good. Personally i would get pvp ring and neck & trinket, go to wsg vendor for alliance and show all loot table. i also like the ring from sfk, there is also a green quest ring , for chest you should grind out wc for the murloc chest piece. i didnt metion the boa gear since it takes a silly amount of time to grind out.

And last bit of advice for prot in pvp rage is for excute.

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