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  1. Jaymorgan

    Rate my Human Protection Paladin.

    Jaymorgan @ Blade's Edge - Community - World of Warcraft I still need to work on getting the Arena Grand Master trinket (of course). So I haven't done all that much PVP, and I had set my toon up for survivability, going with more health then crit. Un-buffed I have 2012 hp. But my Crit is only...
  2. Jaymorgan

    Rate my pally :)

    Nice. BTW, I farmed my Foreman's leggings by camping him while I did other things. He spawns about every 6 mins. Got them after 23 kills.
  3. Jaymorgan

    What is the highest level Mob (NPC) you have killed?

    Moved into the Burning Steppes, and took on two Fallen Flamekin, one was level 50 the other 51 at the same time. (Near Kibler, at the Flame Crest outpost.) Didn't really need to use Divine shield, but did so near the end of the fight, just to be safe. Still interesting that even with all the...
  4. Jaymorgan

    What is the highest level Mob (NPC) you have killed?

    While exploring the Stonetalon Mountains, I happened upon Feras, a rare cat with a silver portrait. It is a level 25 mob and attacked me upon spotting him. Then, just as I started to fight him a Grimtotem mercenarie, level 29 mob attacked me too. I was able to take them both out, with my...
  5. Jaymorgan

    Prot pallies? lets talk about hpals

    What I would like to say about Prot Pallies is I've never had more fun then being in Warsong Guich and going toe to toe with another prot pally in an out of the way area and we battled for several minutes until I got lucky and was able to take him down. Would love to one on one a holly pally.
  6. Jaymorgan

    Rate My Rogue [Scarlet Tabard!]

    I am building a rogue right now, and I think I will use your toon as a template, as I love how much Crit you have.
  7. Jaymorgan

    Are F2P Deathknights Banned/Nerfed?

    I still have a DK on a another realm, and I can still make one on the realm I have my f2p toon. Just created one a min ago to test that you can still do it.
  8. Jaymorgan

    Rate 20 paladin

    Yes, that is a sweet Holy Paladin. I like your Dread Pirate ring, I will have to work on getting that. What are the stats on that ring for level 20?
  9. Jaymorgan

    Achievements Made Possible with DKs

    Sorry, this is the first time I read that twinks go into a XP off bracket. I hadn't seen that info before, so I had no idea. I was just trying to investigate this and see what I could find out. Thanks for this info, which is of great help.
  10. Jaymorgan

    Silver-Linked Footguards i need

    It really has a low drop rate, only about >0.05% You should have the Savage Trodders, which drop from Lord Serpentis (High drop chance) in the Wailing Caverns while you farm for those boots. I think they have a chance to drop from any level 19 to 24 mob according to wowhead.
  11. Jaymorgan

    Achievements Made Possible with DKs

    Ok, people keep saying the 55 to 59 bracket is dead. But I think we need proof of that. I still have several friends with paid WoW accounts. I am going to see if one of them will start a DK and queue for a BG and see how long that takes them, just to be sure. But you would think with millions of...
  12. Jaymorgan

    Achievements Made Possible with DKs

    Yes, and it took me 45 quests before I could do so. Not sure how many quests are optional, but the fewer the faster, just to speed it up a bit and get into the world at large. As for the 55 to 59 bracket being dead, I think you are right, as I was queued for 3 and a half hours with nothing...
  13. Jaymorgan

    Achievements Made Possible with DKs

    I see I can Queue for a BG long before finishing the quest line that lets you leave the zone, but haven't been able to join a battle (at anytime) before or after. Has anyone had much luck doing BG's with their DK?
  14. Jaymorgan

    Achievements Made Possible with DKs

    I was not able to enter any Battle Grounds during the 4 hours I played my DK. I did 45 quests in that starting zone, and I am not sure how many are optional, but several are very quick or are of the “talk to this guy” type quest. The longest part is; The Battle for Light's Hope Chapel, as the...
  15. Jaymorgan

    Achievements Made Possible with DKs

    Some how many Quests do you need to do in order to leave the zone? I have done 27 so far. Also, I have been in the Altarac Valley Queue for more then an hour, is this normal? Really only want some of the BG achievements. Thanks
  16. Jaymorgan

    Scientific chest farming

    I must thank you for this info, I had no idea so many chests could be found in this zone. It's been fun looking for them.
  17. Jaymorgan

    Rate my pally (level 20)

    Both the Thaelrid's Greaves and the Shield Against the Evil Presence are from the same quest reward- Blackfathom Villainy, so you can't have both. Having the Foreman's Leggings meant passing on the Thaelrid's Greaves for the Shield, but that Crit would have been nice. Which of the setups below...
  18. Jaymorgan

    Broken's guide to F2P Paladins

    Even with some of this info being out of date, the Defensive (Tank, DPS) BiS info still was a great help to me, and should be for anyone else looking for a place to start. Thank you for this posting.
  19. Jaymorgan

    Rate my pally (level 20)

    I noticed you set your pally toon up to have lots of stamina. Did you find that a better fit in PVP? I have yet to find time to get the Arena Grand Master trinket(s), which will help what I picked for BiS by adding another 450 health points. I haven't had time to play the battle grounds very...
  20. Jaymorgan

    If you could be a class in real life what would you be and why?

    I would have to be a Paladin. Anyone that can bring someone back to life has to be right up there in my books.