Are F2P Deathknights Banned/Nerfed?


Hey I was trying to make a Deathknight on a Brazilian server called "nemesis", It Wouldn't work, someone told me to do this so I specifically did what he said. I was looking forward to the extra features/pvp bracket/ achieves/mounts/companions etc.

Anyway just let me know if I am too late and its impossible now
thankyou <3
tooo late its "gf'd" :(_
ahh :( ok, do the people who made the death knights still have them? or did they take their accounts/achievements/mounts/companions away?
ahh :( ok, do the people who made the death knights still have them? or did they take their accounts/achievements/mounts/companions away?

They still have everything they did through dks, they can still make new dks as well, but the thing that's hindering you now is the fact, that the population type of Nemesis-US and Nemesis-EU both changed from 'New Players' to something else ('Full' in the case of the EU one) not allowing anyone that hasn't made a dk yet to make one and get the requirement of a lvl 55 character (to make dks on other realms) lifted from the account.

My guess on this is, unless Blizzard actually fixes it, this may come back someday as realms randomly change to the 'New Players' status.

edit: Runze - Aggramar this is my personal dk if you don't believe me, he's still in existence and I can still use either lvl 40 Undead and Panda-Mounts on all my characters
i tried to make DKs on 2 US servers flagged as " new players", said i had to have a 55 level player to make a DK

curious if the people who did this merged their F2P into their account and once done where able to make DKs on their F2P account
yeh guys tell me, how do i make a f2p dk? please tell me before they gf it ill make one asap for extra mounts <3..... $_$
The exploit is grandfathered. The people who made DKs before the fix can still make them but if you haven't, tough luck.
Tru. If you have created a dk before 5.2 you can still roll them now...not sure, but think you gotta keep one dk to be able to create some others in the future, cause it requires you to have at least one character on lvl 55 to keep creating them...can anyone confirm this?

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