Search results

  1. Bestx

    Nevmind PvP Movies

    I'm looking for somewhere that does a lot of arenas (outside of Aerie Peak). It looks like you guys do 5s, 3s etc on a constant basis. What realms have the most arena in the F2P brackets?
  2. Bestx


    It takes longer if you don't have the shards. They have to escalate the ticket. Happened to me just this season.
  3. Bestx

    The Walking Dead

    /drool. SO good. Theory: I think Rick is the only one not infected (because of the coma) -- and that's what he was told at the CDC. That's why he went all dictator and shit. I can't see any other way for them to not all die eventually.
  4. Bestx

    Currently listening to... - Part 3!

    Newest Bond Song ft. Adele - Skyfall
  5. Bestx

    I've had it! It's time to settle this once and for all!

    How is Ferrero Rocher not on this? Best candy. Period.
  6. Bestx

    CHANGE: 25 Posts Required To Create New Thread!

    I actually had to get lucky and research this before figuring out there was a post count. I just found out about this website, and F2P twinking/twinking in general. It's a little unfortunate because I'm pressed for time before my P2P runs out and I can't post the thread I want to. Can I PM an...
  7. Bestx trolls me -_-

    Imagine if it starts show other people's achievements. So many casuals would be so happy! Also, I'm just posting to get my post count up enough to make a thread so ignore any of my posts for now =/
  8. Bestx

    Fun changes for hunters in 5.1!

    Well, if you're doing 3s, probably have to try to CC the priest right between the global? I don't know how this bracket works yet and if that's viable or not.
  9. Bestx

    best world event

    My favorite is Children's Week. I used to queue, back in Wrath, with 2 Ele Shamans from my guild. The ENTIRE BG, we would sit in mid and punt people off. It was great watching the PvE'rs rage as they didn't get their achievement.
  10. Bestx

    Chest Enchant

    You definitely want +15 health at this low of a bracket. Absorption was meant to bridge the gap between enchants because enough people complained about it being hard to level through (back in Vanilla).
  11. Bestx

    Petition to increase Like Cap to 10

    I don't have a problem with this! Sorry, trying to get posts to post on the F2P forums.