CHANGE: 25 Posts Required To Create New Thread!


Hello TI Community.

I hope that the MoP expansion is treating you all well.

Anyways, after some discussion between moderation staff and I, we have implemented a new requirement across the entire forum for being able to create new threads. You are now required to have 25 posts to create a new thread.

Once you hit 25 posts, it will take at least an hour for your promotion to kick in and you will be moved into a new usergroup that will enable you to create new threads.

We believe that this will keep banned members from creating problematic threads, new members from creating duplicate threads and/or asking questions in new threads when they just post on threads that already exist, and keeping spam bots at bay.

Thank you all for your time and your anticipated cooperation!


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Re: CHANGE: 50 Posts Required To Create New Thread!

Good idea. This should help with the Auction House section as well (scam/advertisement threads).
Just changed the requirement from 50 posts to 25 posts.

50 posts was too steep to start.
I would suggest that upon account creation, perhaps an automatic pm goes out from Shane letting the user know about the 25 post requirement, just so people are clear about things. Possibly include an advisement to use the search bar etc.
I actually had to get lucky and research this before figuring out there was a post count. I just found out about this website, and F2P twinking/twinking in general. It's a little unfortunate because I'm pressed for time before my P2P runs out and I can't post the thread I want to. Can I PM an admin or something to make a thread for me if it's a legitimate reason?
I find this change irritating as a new user!

I've always been more of a lurker of forums rather than a spam poster... and I don't see the point in me making mindless posts just in an attempt to get my post count up to enable me to create a new thread :<
I would suggest that upon account creation, perhaps an automatic pm goes out from Shane letting the user know about the 25 post requirement, just so people are clear about things. Possibly include an advisement to use the search bar etc.

Thanks for the idea Shft.

Instead of doing a introductory PM (which 99% of new users will probably never read and it does not address the problem of the people that are still 'New Users' and will not get the PM), I have put a notice at the top of the forum that will show up on every page for people in the 'New Users' usergroup (those under 25 posts).

The text is as follows:

Please note that you cannot make new threads on this forum until you reach 25 posts. We put in this requirement to aid people in using the search bar to see if threads already exist that they are wanting to create and to stop spam bots. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation!

I think that that should fix the problem of people not knowing.
I actually had to get lucky and research this before figuring out there was a post count. I just found out about this website, and F2P twinking/twinking in general. It's a little unfortunate because I'm pressed for time before my P2P runs out and I can't post the thread I want to. Can I PM an admin or something to make a thread for me if it's a legitimate reason?

We have our reasons behind the 25 post requirement (illustrated in the OP) and thus far it has worked out.

You can send me your thread contents in a PM and I can post it for you and credit you for the post if I deem it is suitable conversation for the destination form.
I find this change irritating as a new user!

I've always been more of a lurker of forums rather than a spam poster... and I don't see the point in me making mindless posts just in an attempt to get my post count up to enable me to create a new thread :<

If you were a lurker before, then you are used to not being able to create new threads. So, your point is not valid in the least from what I can see.

Again, the reasons why we did this are illustrated in the OP.
If you were a lurker before, then you are used to not being able to create new threads. So, your point is not valid in the least from what I can see.

Again, the reasons why we did this are illustrated in the OP.

Come the day when I want to create a new thread... and low and behold I cannot.

My point is invalid? The point that the 25 post requirement prevents bots/spam is invalid. Yeah you may not get people creating new threads - they'll just reply in already created threads - you'll also get additional spam posts from new users who are just trying to up their post count so they can create a new thread.

Your other point about banned members creating new profiles - again... nothing to stop them creating the new profiles and replying to loads of threads...

Everyone of your reasons behind this is pointless and doesn't really stop any of the things you're aiming too....

However, what it does do is discourage potential new community members as they feel they're forced to make pointless contributions/resurrecting dead threads just so they can get involved with what they want to say.

Making sense?
Could always create a noob forum (noobie autocorrects to boobies lol) where they can introduce themselves, ask questions, and build up posts.
I agree with Darwyn. I wanted to make a new thread to ask a question, but I couldn't because of this new rule? Which like he said, all its going to do is frustrate some people that don't constantly comment on other's threads. So what am I suppose to do now? Go post random shit on someone else's threads? Then will I have full access to make my own, or after I make a certain amount of threads will I lose my privilege until I make more random comments? Personally, I think this is pointless.
I have taken everything that has been said into consideration.

I think that the best middle ground is to apply people under 25 (now 10) posts to be able to create threads in a 'New User' type forum where you can ask questions, introduce yourselves, etc.

Also, I will be taking the post count requirement down to 10 posts, instead of 25.

I will implement this all tomorrow.

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