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  1. OneWhoSayNi

    Question concerning FTP priests

    No real need for spirit theese days. Need for speed is case of the day. You might get oom after realy long non-stop brawl, after 70k + healing done, which is rare. Spirit stuff is definitely not worth farming and spending time with that.
  2. OneWhoSayNi

    My mages

    Hey, I really like ur hasty f2p mage - 10/10. Big balls to sacrifice loom chest piece for that 12 haste...but hey 20%? it already makes a difference. GJ
  3. OneWhoSayNi

    Who's still purge?

    Theese days I am learning to purge a lot, since I made my new shammy ... and hes pure ;)
  4. OneWhoSayNi

    Should Kincaide be Mod?

    Hey guys! I dont know Kincaide, but I have to say one thing. I checked TI forum after a while and I wanted to reply to exactly two recent threads...but both of those were closed by mentioned moderator. I was kinda pissed of, since the reasons were just silly. Why is there any need to close some...
  5. OneWhoSayNi

    bis stats for f2p disc

    Hey guys. I still stick with my crit prefered gear, at least for duels, arenas, wsg and possibly AB. I often find myself doin more useful dmg than dmg dedicated noob-semi players, while keep their asses healed. Otherwise haste is rly helpful for AV.
  6. OneWhoSayNi

    Best of F2P EU

    Hey guys, I was not here for ages, but today I randomly decided to check whats going on in here. Than i saw this thread and of course, I was excited to find myself on two lists. Thx a lot. Its a honor to stand next to guys mostly mentioned, becaause they realy rock. I agree with all the names...
  7. OneWhoSayNi

    Generally Enjoyable PVP For Over A Week?!?

    Yesterday (Sunday), I played from 9pm - 23pm and got 2 AB wins and 5 WSG wins, almost no 24s... I really ejoyed PvP after a while. Btw. its nice to see some hunters again. EU/Ally
  8. OneWhoSayNi

    Generally Enjoyable PVP For Over A Week?!?

    I definitely still like the game. After MoP Im enjoying the fact that if I unwillingly die, I know that its clearly just because of my strategic mistake. Also long lasting battles are fun sometimes. Imo MoP is much more about strategy and good teamplan than cata.
  9. OneWhoSayNi

    world pvp?

    I know, I usually move to Ashenvale after Wetlands, which are definitely better, but there are just 2 - 3 chests at time. I hate this farming btw., looking forvard to be done with that. Still MM worth it. -----------just quick offtopic update: got my MM this weekend, in Wetlands, took me cca...
  10. OneWhoSayNi

    Healers that don't heal

    I think Aradriel explained it well. In cata bgs i knew Im the one who is responsible for healing, these days while there are very often just 1-3 non healers on team, its easy to expect that others will heal. I focus much more on cc and bubbles spamming cos druids are much more capable to do the...
  11. OneWhoSayNi

    world pvp?

    What i did couple times after crz appears was to go to northern barrens with plenty of levelling horde pandas, and just sit on some busy place pretending to be afk...they usually walk around for a while and than attack me..i let em get me to like 20% (to stay on the safe side) and then enjoy...
  12. OneWhoSayNi

    Classes that YOU hate and love to face the most.

    Hate: all healers cos its neverending story, while oponent is not a retard... Superhate: efc running deer druid ;) Love: non-healers cos i can kill em... Superlove:unskilled 24 rogues
  13. OneWhoSayNi

    What's Your Burnt Toast Ratio?

    Actually, there is something about this BTR... We all eat toasts while playing, Im quite sure about that, so.... if u burn a lot of toasts regulary, it means that ur sooo addicted to the game (not even able to stand up and take a toast out of the toaster in right time) that u have to be a good...
  14. OneWhoSayNi

    At Last, Arathi Basin Victory in 5.05!

    To the original topic of this thread: My personal feeling for the post panda time is that horde is winning much more AB than ally, but at the same time ally is winning more WSG than horde. Dunno how to explain this, may be its just my case...or may be horde is more organised, which is crucial...
  15. OneWhoSayNi

    Is skill necessary to excel in WoW?

    They are indeed. But back to topic....I think, that you need more than a strong class and good gear to excel. You have to use your brain to make decisions. Decisions which help your team win or at least do well. Skill is not just pushing correct buttons in correct time, it is much more complex...
  16. OneWhoSayNi

    5.0.4. Dark portal issue

    Hi there, I did not find this issue mentioned before, so i would like to kindly ask if anyone else has a problem with dark portal after latest patch. It just did not work form me. I can not test accesibillity of Outland, because my HS is in SW. Thanks for kinda thirsty for Halanni...